Must All Good Things Come To An End?

Today Norma Jean and I are leaving Indian Shores Beach after a wonderful two week stay.

Just over a week was enjoyed with our family for Thanksgiving. Plus we had a few days for some post Thanksgiving R & R.

I found myself thinking yesterday, “Well, all good things must come to an end.”

This familiar expression that we all use is an idiom that’s almost become a proverb. By it we mean “nothing lasts forever.” Good or bad everything is temporary. Nothing is permanent.

When I googled “All good things must come to an end,” I learned that it’s attributed to Geoffrey Chaucer from a poem he wrote in the 1300’s.

We may use the idiom to express regret, acceptance, or the celebration of a defining moment in our lives.

“All good things must come to an end.”

Well, not all things.

The Bible promises Christians an unending reward.

The Hebrew writer speaks of our redemption which is eternal. Our “eternal salvation.” And our “promise of an eternal inheritance” (Heb. 5:9; 9:12; 9:15).

Peter pens that we have “an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you” (1 Pet. 1:3).

Paul says we live “in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began” (Tit.1:2).

And John records Jesus’ words who proclaimed to His followers–”I will give them eternal life, and they shall never perish” (Jn. 10:28).

Everything enjoyable that we experience on this earth, every beautiful vista, every magnificent sunset, every satisfying relationship, and every good and gratifying desire we savor is but a foretaste of the glory and greatness of heaven.

Revelation 21 describes the beauty and grandeur of the city of God with its jasper walls and streets of gold whose entrance is only thru its pearly gates. It’s a land of unclouded day with a crystal clear river through it beside which the tree of life is in a perpetual state of bearing fruit. As you walk you hear something and it’s the angelic choir singing the most beautiful songs you’ve ever heard.

Then you see a majestic, awesome throne and on it is the ALMIGHTY and all around are those arrayed in white giving him praise. You soon realize that the flowers never fade. The light never dissipates. It is a place of perpetual, breath-taking beauty.

Heaven will never end.

That being so, it means that our relationship with the Heavenly Three will be forever enhanced and embellished. Think of being in the eternal presence of our Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, we will enjoy association with the blessed and redeemed of the ages. The Old Testament heroes of faith. Abel. Noah. Abraham. Joseph. Joshua. Moses. David. Elijah. Elisha. Isaiah. Jeremiah. And Daniel. Plus the New Testament apostles. Peter. James. John. And Paul.

Our fellowship with these ancient worthies will never end.

The realization of being reunited with our loved ones who’ve gone before us. Fathers and mothers will see sons and daughters again. Brothers and sisters will join the unbroken family circle. Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins will be there to welcome us. And think about meeting the old soldiers of the Restoration Movement. Of being again in the presence of preachers, pastors and brethren we’ve longed to see again.

These relationships will be unbroken. Unending. Uninterrupted.

I further think of Heaven as a place of rest from our labors. Relief from suffering. A refuge from ungodliness. A retreat of righteousness. And a reservoir of unending joy, blessings and bliss.

Heaven is a place of perpetual, infinite soul refreshing experiences beyond our greatest imagination.

Must all good things come to an end?  Jesus’ answer. “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life” (Jn. 6:47).

In the words of the our departed friend and brother, Dee Bowman, who though dead, still speaks, “If you miss heaven, you’ve just missed all there is.”

–Ken Weliever, The Preacherman



Filed under Heaven

2 responses to “Must All Good Things Come To An End?

  1. Pingback: Weekly Recap: November 21-December 2 | ThePreachersWord

  2. Milagros Gloria

    Wow awesome I found like this very perfect words from God spirit , God teaching us continues until we understand well the Word of God. The World why we are here and how is our exactly to understand our life is very precious to God, Awesome GOD promises we have eternal life. People are so blessed The whole World and heaven and earth and Sea. Wow awesome explanations, I want more of preaching amazing thank you so much.. To God be all the glory


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