Category Archives: Hope

Remember the Rainbow

“I remember a summer day that began bright and sunny, but muggy and uncomfortable. The weatherman predicted storms, but when one looked outside, it was hard to believe it would happen” recalled Jacquelyn Wagenmaker.

“By 3 in the afternoon things had changed drastically. The air was so humid you felt you would drown just walking through it. The sky in the West was turning ugly. Huge dark clouds were rolling in and soon the sun was totally obliterated. It was almost as dark as night, but it was late afternoon.” Continue reading


Filed under Hope

The Vision of Hope

Investor and philanthropist Eugene Lang, who died in 2017 at the age of 98 gave away $150 million and assisted 16,000 students to attend college over the course of his lifetime.

Once Lang was speaking to a class of 59 sixth graders in East Harlem. He wanted to inspire these predominantly black and Puerto Rican kids to get a good education. But the children seem disconnected and disinterested Continue reading


Filed under 20/20 Vision Series, Hope

We Have An Anchor

Last September we were privileged to visit Rome as we concluded our Mediterranean anniversary trip.

We enjoyed wonderful food, touring the ancient sites and worshiping with the brethren. But among the highlights for us was visiting the Catacombs.
Led by a knowledgeable and interesting tour guide we descended from the warm air above, down a steep stairway and through narrow passageways, where I often had to duck my head, and into the cool and musty burial-place of early Christians and revered martyrs. Continue reading


Filed under Hope

Hope When Fighting Cancer

cancer-hopeIn the past month I have learned of several of my friends, family and brethren who are dealing with the dreaded disease of cancer. I have some idea how the families feel.

I have lost so many friends and family members to this ugly enemy called cancer. Aunts. Uncles. Cousins. Grandparents.  And my own mother. I have seen it ravage the bodies of the young and old alike. Continue reading


Filed under Hope

Hope When It Seems Hopeless


Joseph Bayly, in his book The View From A Hearse, tells of what he said to offer hope to a woman whose small son was dying.

“It’s good to know, isn’t it,” I spoke slowly, choosing my words with unusual care, “that even though the medical outlook is hopeless, we can have hope for our children in such a situation. We can be sure that after our child dies, he’ll be completely removed from sickness and suffering and everything like that, and be completely well and happy.” Continue reading


Filed under Hope

Is America The World’s Best Hope?


“America is the most consequential nation on Earth, and in desperate need of God at the moment. If America falls, it will be a thousand years of darkness for the entire planet.”

Conservative political pundit Ann Coulter wrote the above words in a recent column entitled “Ebola Doc’s Condition Downgraded to ‘Idiotic.’” It was in response to Dr. Kent Brantly, the medical missionary, who contracted the deadly disease while serving in Liberia.  He, along with co-worker, Nancy Writebol, have been transported to Emory Medical Center in Atlanta where they are receiving treatment for the virus that has a 90% mortality rate.  Continue reading

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Filed under America, Christ, Gospel, Hope

Hold On To Your Hope!


“Americans Losing Hope in the American Dream” screams the headline from a recent poll.

The article from NewsMax said, “Americans are pessimistic about their chances of achieving and sustaining the American dream.” According to the Marist-McClatchy Poll 80% of Americans think it’s harder now than in previous generations to get ahead.” Continue reading


Filed under Hope

Word of the Week: Hope


Lucy and Linus were sitting in front of the television set when Lucy said to Linus, “Go get me a glass of water!”

Linus looked surprised, “Why should I do anything for you? You never do anything for me.”

“On your 75th birthday,” Lucy promised, “I’ll bake you a cake.”

Linus got up, headed to the kitchen and said, “Life is sure more pleasant when you have something to look forward to.”

Our Bible word of the week is “hope.” Continue reading


Filed under Hope, Word of the Week

What Cancer Cannot Do

          I remember the first time I heard of it. I was ten years old.  My Granny Key was real sick. And my Mom was very  sad.  They said it was cancer.  I didn’t really know what that meant.  I just knew the deep concern it caused my parents. Continue reading


Filed under Hope, Uncategorized

A Message of Hope

I like story Alan Smith tells about Tom who had never been on a fishing boat before and now thinking it was the stupidest thing he’d ever done in his life. Who would ever have believed that seasickness could be this awful? With every pitch and roll, Tom wondered how he was going to survive the remaining two hours of the trip.

One of the deck hands came up to him and said, “Don’t worry, young fella. Nobody ever died of seasickness.”

“You’ve just taken away my last hope for relief,” Tom said. Continue reading


Filed under Hope