Category Archives: Praise

Exalt The Lord


Kids say the funniest things. Especially when they misunderstand something in Bible class or a church service and repeat it incorrectly.

A little girl was once asked “What is your favorite hymn?”

She quickly brighten up and proudly said, “Gladly, the cross-eyed bear.” Of course, the lyrics are “gladly the cross I bear.

This reminds me of a Sunday worship service when the congregation was singing the chorus of song that goes: “I exalt thee, oh Lord…” Continue reading


Filed under Praise

Magnify The Lord

Magnify the Lord

Larry Byerly tells about a time he was driving one foggy night. “I topped a hill and I could see through the fog for a moment. What an awesome sight!” Larry exclaimed.

“The clouds were scurrying along at a rather quick pace, across the face of the huge moon that seemed to softly light up the entire sky. Quite a change from driving in that fog with “no vision.” Continue reading


Filed under God, Praise

Boast In The Lord

Boast. Ps34.2

Boasting is bad. Right?

Of course. We teach our children not to boast.

We are annoyed the braggart. Disgusted by the bluster of the blowhard. And repelled with the bombast of the know it all. In fact, the Bible says in several places “do not boast….” (Ps 75:4; Prov 27:1; 2Cor 10:15; Jas. 3:14).

Yet, in the text we have been considering, Psalm 34:1-3, David claims the right to boast. Continue reading


Filed under Praise

Praise the Lord!

Freedom woman on sunset sky

Randy Aly tells the story of an elderly sister who dearly loved the Lord and often her cup of joy overflowed. Her favorite expression was, “Praise the Lord!”

Sometimes in worship services during the sermon, she would just shout out, “Praise the Lord!” This display of emotion disturbed the preacher’s train of thought and bothered him. So, he thought how he might kindly discourage her outbursts.

The woman was very poor, and therefore the minister had an idea. He offered her a parcel of groceries every month only if she would only refrain from saying, “Praise the Lord!” during his sermons. Continue reading


Filed under Praise

Bless The Lord


“Unbelief puts our circumstances between us and God,” wrote F. B. Meyer, “but faith puts God between us and our circumstances.”

We live in an age where many people, including Christians, allow themselves to be paralyzed by their fears, restricted by their disappointments, and confined by their circumstances. We place too much confidence on finite human ingenuity and not enough on the infinite power, protection and providence of God. Continue reading


Filed under God, Praise