Category Archives: Depression

Strengthen Yourself

Last Sunday in our Bible class, we tackled the topic of depression and how to handle it from the perspective of the Psalmist. Specifically, Psalm 42 and 43.

In these Psalms the author is distressed, discouraged and dismayed over unfulfilled plans, unsatisfied feelings, and unanswered questions.

Have you ever experienced those feelings?

What can you do when you’re down? Where do you go to find encouragement? To whom do you turn for strength to go forward? Continue reading


Filed under Depression, Psalms

My Soul is Disquieted

There’s a familiar scene in the Peanuts cartoon where Lucy is holding a football for Charlie to kick it farther and higher than anyone in the world.

In this oft-repeated situation, Lucy pulls the ball away at the last second just as Charlie is about to kick it.


Charlie lands flat on his back. Looks up at Lucy and asks, “Why do I always fall for the same old trick?” Continue reading


Filed under Depression, Psalms, Stress

Victory Over Depression

I'm The Best

Many years ago I received a call from a sister where I preached who wanted to talk to me about a problem she was experiencing.

She was an attractive lady in her 30’s.  Her husband owned a successful business. They had two lovely teenage daughters.  They lived in a fashionable part of town in a beautiful home.  They wore stylist clothes.  Drove luxury cars.

As I drove to her home, I wondered what could possibly be her problem?  Continue reading


Filed under Depression

Three Major Causes of Depression

Distressed Girl Holding Her Head

“How could Robin Williams be depressed?” We wonder.

How could anyone with that much money, fame, and success become so despondent that they would fall into the despair of suicide?

The answer is simple.  Regardless of wealth, status, or position, all people are susceptible to the discouragements of life.  The causes of depression are not “a respecter of persons.”  Continue reading

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Filed under Depression

Depression: Coping with the Causes


What causes depression?

Over the past few years I’ve probably read 25 books dealing with depression and emotional issues and have several more that I use for reference.  So, I can tell you the causes for depression are many and varied depending on the person.  While a person may suffer a chemical imbalance or a biological malfunction, conservative authors who write and counsel from a Bible-based value system believe that depression is most often caused by other factors. Continue reading

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Filed under Depression

Biblical Cases of Depression


Mental health experts often refer to depression as “the common cold of the mind.”

At some point in life nearly everyone suffers some form of depression–ranging from just “feeling a little blue,” all the way to clinical depression resulting in psychological problems.  Dr. Shelia Roberts, a practicing psychiatrist in Louisville, KY, told me that more than 75% of her patients are dealing with depression.

Since the tragic death of Robin Williams, there has been a greater national awareness and dialog regarding depression.  So, yesterday we began a series on this vital topic. Continue reading


Filed under Depression

Word of the Week: Depression


Shocked. Stunned. Saddened.

These emotions, among others, hit me when I first heard the news of Robin Williams’ death last week.  At first, I thought it was an internet hoax.  Quickly, it became apparent that it was not only true, but that he committed suicide.

Like so many others I have been entertained by the comedic genius of Robin Williams.  While I chose to avoid some of his films because of the language or sexual content, my three favorite were: Dead Poets Society, Mrs. Doubtfire, and Patch Adams.   Continue reading


Filed under Depression, Word of the Week