Category Archives: Sin

How To Deal With Sinful Impulses

“I Don’t Want My Son to Inherit the Sins of His Mother,” was the title of an article that caught my attention in Christianity Today online.

It was piece on parenting by Anna Taylor discussing the concern we should have for not only the physical health of our children, but more importantly their spiritual well being.

It was one of those articles in which I found myself alternating agreeing with and disagreeing with the author. Continue reading

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Filed under Sin, Temptation

Ephesians 4:25

A recent New York Times article revealed that New York Republican Representative-elect  George Santos lied about several aspects of his résumé.

Among them, Santos stated that he graduated from Baruch College, although he never even attended Baruch. In fact, he holds no college degree. His work résumé listed Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, although he was never employed by either company.

Furthermore Santos lied about his Jewish heritage.. He claimed to be a “proud American Jew” which he now has clarified that he is “Jew-ish,” rather than Jewish. As a result The Republican Jewish Coalition has banned him from attending future RJC events. Continue reading


Filed under Discipleship, Sin

Sin is Worse than Missing the Mark

I recently read about an 8 year old girl, Aryanna Schneeberg, from Campbellsport, Wisconsin, who was playing in her backyard when she was suddenly struck in the back with an arrow.

The arrow penetrated her lung, spleen, stomach and liver, which required a 2 ½ hour surgery to save Aryanna’s life.

Following an investigation, Sheriff Mylan Fink reported that a teen boy and his friend were shooting arrows at squirrels from the balcony of an apartment complex. Continue reading


Filed under Sin

When a Good Man Sins

Yesterday’s post regarding legacy promoted this response and query from a reader.

He shared a story about a church leader he knew who used his time, talent and resources to build the church in his community. This involved his physical as well as spiritual efforts. He was highly respected within the church and the community at large.

However, an egregious sin brought shame and reproach not only upon on him, but on the church where he had labored for so many years and had made such a profound difference. Continue reading


Filed under Sin

When Sin Becomes Normalized

Jim McGuire, an alumnus of River Valley High School in Marion County, Ohio, has sparked public outrage over his commencement speech to the graduates last Friday.

“My jaw dropped to the floor, and I honestly thought I was hearing it wrong,” said a 2018 River Valley graduate, Alexis Osipow. She said she was “outraged” and was further dismayed when people were clapping in approval of McGuire’s statement.

So, what did he say that was so outrageous? Continue reading


Filed under Sin

What’s the Root Cause?

Last Thursday in an extraordinary exchange between White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Fox News reporter Peter Doocy, Paski implied COVID-19 was partly responsible for the recent rise in looting incidents across the country.

“So when a huge group of criminals organizes themselves and they want to go loot a store — a CVS, a Nordstrom, a Home Depot until the shelves are clean — do you think that’s because of the pandemic?” Doocy pressed. Continue reading


Filed under Sin

Sin, Salvation, and Acceptance

Every news media outlet carried numerous stories regarding the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

The stories were often personal and poignant involving survivors from the twin towers, or the relatives of those that did not survive. Each was emotionally gripping in its own way.

One that we saw that was interesting and insightful was an interview on Fox News that Neil Cavuto had with an Episcopal Priest, Dr. Russell Levenson from Houston, Texas. Continue reading

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Filed under Sin

The Danger of Appeasement

Max Lucado, a prolific author and the teaching minister for the Oak Hills Church in San Antonia, Texas, spoke last week at a virtual service for The Washington National Cathedral, a prominent Episcopal church.

His appearance was opposed and generated an online petition signed by 1,500 people demanding the National Cathedral rescind the invitation. Why? Because of Lucado’s view on traditional marriage. Furthermore, they claimed he “has inflicted serious harm” on the LGBT community. Continue reading


Filed under Sin

Reaping The Consequences Of Sin

“Do we still reap for all past sins if we are forgiven?”

This question was emailed to me by one of our regular readers, Brenda, back in September and it got put on the back burner during our Fall travels. Since it’s such a good question, one that others can profit from, I’m offering a public answer. Continue reading


Filed under Sin

Prescription For A Sin-Sick World

Dr. Richard Swenson is a physician and a futurist, who wrote a 1990’s book entitled, “Margin.” He describes modern society as harried, hassled, and overloaded with no room left for rest.

Dr Swenson observes, “Overload is not having time to finish the book you’re reading on stress. Margin is having time to read it twice. Overload is fatigue. Margin is energy. Overload is red ink. Margin is black ink. Overload is hurry. Margin is calm. Overload is anxiety. Margin is security. Overload is a disease of our day. Margin is the cure.” Continue reading

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Filed under Sin