Category Archives: Church

Is “Your Church” a “Red Door” Church?

Nancy Kennedy, religious writer for our local Citrus County Chronicle recently wrote a column entitled “Red Door Churches” that caught my eye.

Kennedy relates touring a new meeting house of a church that had red doors. She learned that traditionally and historically, dating back to the medieval day that churches had red doors.

While the red door was symbolic of Jesus’ blood shed on the cross, thus reminding us of salvation in Christ, it also had a cultural significance. Continue reading


Filed under Christian Living, Church, Discipleship, Relationships

An Acts 29 Church

“Can I get a volunteer to read our text this morning?” asked the Bible class teacher.

Quickly a hand was raised.

“Thank you. Turn to the end of the book of Acts. And begin reading chapter 29, verse one. Continue reading


Filed under Church

The Jerusalem Church: A Divine Model For the 21st Century

Our Bible reading today is Acts 2. One of the greatest chapters in the Bible.

In Acts 2 we see the fulfillment of Joel 2, Isaiah 2 and Micah 4. Jesus’ promise that the kingdom of God would come with power was coming to pass (Mk. 9:1). His command for the apostles to wait in Jerusalem to receive the power of the Holy Spirit occurred in dramatic fashion before an astonished crowd.

Peter’s sermon was Christ-centered. He argued that Jesus was the Son of God, based on His miracles and His resurrection from the dead. And that He was the fulfillment of David’s Messianic prophecy. The miraculous events of Pentecost were further evidence. His riveting message cut to the hearts of those he charged with wickedly crucifying Christ. Continue reading

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Filed under Church

Is it Wrong for Churches to Cancel Services?

This question raised today reminds me of the old joke about the politician who was asked by a reporter his position on a particular issue.

“Well, there are two ways to look at it,” he responded. Then launched into a lengthy explanation of both views, giving both the pros and cons of the respective positions. He concluded by saying he had friends on both sides of the question.

“But what’s your position?” the reporter pressed. Continue reading


Filed under Church, COVID-19, Worship

God’s Vision For A Relevant Church

This past Sunday morning Norma Jean and I visited the University church in  Tampa.  This congregation holds a special place in our hearts.  It’s the church we attended when we were dating and first married.

Josh Creel is one of the ministers that serves in a preaching capacity and does a wonderful job.  His sermon title, “God’s Vision For A Relevant Church” captured my attention since my theme for the year is “20/20 Vision: Restoring Our Focus.”

Josh cited a Barna Group survey that asked, “What, if anything, helps Americans grow in their faith?” Continue reading


Filed under 20/20 Vision Series, Church

Are You A Member of the Body Or Just A Member of the Church?

“The very word membership is of Christian origin, but it has been taken over by the world and emptied of all meaning,” wrote C. S. Lewis in one of his essays.

Lewis further opined, “I am afraid that when we describe a man as ‘a member of the Church’ we usually mean nothing Pauline” as he referred to Paul’s statement regarding “members of the Body” of Christ (1 Cor. 12:22). Continue reading


Filed under Church

The Modern Church Has Lost Its Purpose

“Many U.S. churches today have ‘forgotten’ their purpose, becoming entertainment-driven social organizations eager to blend in with secular culture instead of focusing on biblical discipleship” warns Dr. David Jeremiah in a recent interview with Christian Post reporter Leah MarieAnn Klett.

“We’re not an entertainment service; we’re not here to see how close we can get to what the world does,” said Jeremiah, the founder of Turning Point Radio and Television Ministries. “But there’s so much of the world in the Church and vice versa that we can’t tell a difference.” Continue reading


Filed under Church

How To Solve Church Problems

My college Bible Professor, E.V. Srygley, once quipped, “Jesus said when two or three are gathered together, I will be in their midst. I’ve found that when two or three are gathered together, there’s going to be a problem.”

Problems. They’re part of life. The church and Christians are not exempt from problems. However, as Chuck Swindoll observed, “Every problem is an opportunity to prove God’s power.” Continue reading


Filed under Church

Is Jesus a King Without a Kingdom?

We hear and read a good bit about the “Evangelical Right” today, especially in the area of politics. However, what may be little known to the average person, is that the doctrine of Premillennialism reigns in Evangelical theology.

For the past 100 years Premillennialism has gained a wide acceptance in the Protestant world in general and evangelicals specifically. Some trace the growing belief to the publishing of Scofield Reference Bible in 1909. Continue reading

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Filed under Church, Jesus

Some Thoughts on Small, But Not Struggling Churches

When we first arrived in Ontario, Mike Stephens, the Wellandport preacher for over 20 years, and I were discussing my schedule for the summer. This discussion turned to the topic of small, struggling churches. He commented regarding one of the congregations, “Oh, they’re struggling to reach 200, but they are not struggling spiritually.”

In reflecting on the summer and my association with several, but not all, of the Ontario churches, I echo this sentiment. Often in the States, we equate strength with numbers. But careful observation and scriptural consideration reveal this is not necessarily so. Continue reading


Filed under Church