Category Archives: Choice

Living With Second Choices

(Monday I was privileged to speak in chapel at Florida College. Today’s blog post is an edited version of that talk.)

In 1959 Walt Disney began looking for land to build a second resort to complement his California park. And he wanted enough land to control the development around his next park.

It wasn’t until 1963 that Disney flew over the Orlando area and finally decided on this location. The process of acquiring the land and building the park took 9 years. Disney died in 1966 before The Magic Kingdom opened in 1971. Continue reading


Filed under Choice

It’s In Your Hands

Bird in Hand

Once upon a time there  lived high in the Himalayan mountains an old man known for his wisdom. Periodically, he ventured down into the local village and amazed villagers with his knowledge and insight.

He knew when it would rain, and thus when the village should plant crops. He could predict the frost, and thus when crops should be harvested. He knew how to treat illness and prevent impending illness. Being so well respected, people would flock to him to seek his advice and counsel. They would bring questions and the wise man provided answers. Continue reading


Filed under Choice