Category Archives: compassion

A Time To Embrace

Today, November 7th, according to the calendar of weird and wacky holidays, is observed as National Hug a Bear Day.

The calendar is quick to offer a disclaimer not to hug a real bear, but to hug a Teddy Bear. Why? Well, the history is rather interesting and traced back to the U. S. President Theodore Roosevelt. Continue reading


Filed under compassion, Friends

The Ministry of Silence

Ralph and Darlene Burson was an elderly couple who lived next door to the Jacksons–Bill, Sherry, and four-year-old Jason.

A few days after Darlene died, little Jason wanted to go next door to see his friend Mr. Ralph, who was sitting on the back porch. His mother agreed.

When Jason walked up Ralph began to gently shed some tears. Upon seeing this Jason climbed up into his lap.

When he returned home Sherry asked, “Jason, what did you say to Mr. Burson?” Continue reading


Filed under compassion

Comfort in the Times of Tragedy

We awoke Tuesday morning to the news of the devastating tornadoes that swept through Middle Tennessee very early that morning and left incredible destruction in its wake. And sadly the loss of many lives.

At least 25 people were killed. And dozens are still missing. Many are displaced because their homes were destroyed. Particularly heart breaking was the news of a young couple, Josh and Erin Kimberlin and their little boy Sawyer who died as a result Continue reading


Filed under compassion

The God Of All Comfort

When I Was Diagnosed With Cancer:

My first friend came and expressed his shock by saying,
“I can’t believe that you have cancer.
I always thought you were so active and healthy.”
He left and I felt alienated and somehow very different. Continue reading

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Filed under compassion

Seeing What Jesus Saw

“Anybody can look at a pretty girl and see a pretty girl. An artist can look at a pretty girl and see the old woman she will become. A better artist can look at an old woman and see the pretty girl that she used to be” wrote American author Robert A. Heinlein. Continue reading

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Filed under compassion, Vision

Help and Hope For the Hurting

Frank Graeff was a 19th and early 20th-century preacher and hymnist. Known for his positive attitude and cheery disposition, he was dubbed with the nickname “sunshine minister.”

However, his outward demeanor belied his inward struggles. As he was afflicted with various physical problems, at times severe, he began to doubt God’s presence during his pain. His conflict gave birth to the hymn, “Does Jesus Care” that begins with this probing lament. Continue reading


Filed under compassion

5 Men in the Parable of the Good Samaritan

This morning I was reading Jesus’ parable of The Good Samaritan in Luke 10.

This parable has been analyzed, allegorized, and sermonized, but not often enough actualized in our lives.

Good Samaritan has become synonymous with a charitable person who helps others, especially strangers. However, this feel-good story involves some elements that are not so nice. Continue reading


Filed under Christian Living, compassion, Parables of Jesus

Modern Day “Good Samaritans” Make A Difference

Kate McClure’s miscalculation has blessed the lives of thousands, if not millions of people. And drastically changed the life of Johnny Bobbitt.

Late one November night the New Jersey woman ran out of gas on Interstate 95 on her way to Philadelphia. After coasting down the exit ramp, McClure said, “I pulled over as far as I could and got out of the car to head to the nearest gas station. That’s when I met Johnny.  He told me to get back in the car and lock the doors. A few minutes later, he comes back with a red gas can. Using his last 20 dollars to make sure I could get home safe.”

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Filed under compassion

We Need to Quit Judging Others Based on Appearance

Handicaped Parking

Everyone matters.

“Everyone Matters” is a global campaign to promote “compassion, self-acceptance, acceptance of others, and empowerment” for people everywhere. Their goal is noble. And the concept is definitely Biblical.

On their facebook page I came across the story of Emelie Crecco. This incident happened to her three years ago. The perky, pretty young 20 year old wheeled into a handicap space in a shopping centered parking lot.  Jumped out of her car. And headed to the store.

When she returned she found this note. Continue reading


Filed under compassion

Word of the Week: Compassion

CompassionSeveral years ago, I heard a story that came out of the Special Olympics in Seattle. Nine contestants, all physically or mentally handicapped, assembled at the starting line to run the 100 yard dash.

The gun sounded.  And off they went!  Well, not exactly in a dash!  But with a zest and enthusiasm to run the race.  However, one little boy stumbled and fell.  As he tumbled to the track, he began to cry.  The other eight heard him. Stopped.  And slowly returned.  Continue reading


Filed under compassion, Word of the Week