Category Archives: Truth

Twisting Truth into a Lie

Reuters is reporting this morning that California has threaten to cut business ties with the pharmacy chain Walgreens.

In a tweet on Monday, Governor Gavin Newsom said that the state would refuse to do business with “any company that cowers to the extremists and puts women’s lives at risk,” including Walgreens.

So what egregious action has Walgreens implemented to harm women? Continue reading


Filed under Truth

“Your Truth” Or The Truth?

Last week Vice-President, Kamala Harris, stirred some controversy by her response to a student who made an anti-Israel comment.

“Your truth cannot be suppressed,” Harris told the student.

The exchange took place at George Mason University during a Q & A session when one student questioned funding Israel’s “Iron Dome missile defense system, which has been credited with saving countless Israeli lives,” according to multiple news outlets.

The student accused Israel of engaging in ethnic genocide. Continue reading


Filed under Truth

Lying To Yourself

Yesterday, we wrote about the sin of lying.

The lies of others are obvious. To us. And we detest being lied to. Yet, we tend to justify our own lies. They become as William Paul Young expressed it,  a “little fortress.”

Young opined, that “inside them, you can feel safe and powerful. Through your little fortress of lies, you try to run your life and manipulate others. But the fortress needs walls, so you build some. These are the justifications for your lies. You know, like you are doing this to protect someone you love, to keep them from feeling pain. Whatever works, just so you feel okay about the lies.” Continue reading


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Lillian Quigley, in her children’s book, The Blind Men and the Elephant, recounts the famous fable of six blind men who encounter an elephant for the first time. In the story each man touches a part of the elephant and draws his own conclusion of what an elephant is like. Continue reading


Filed under Freedom, Great Bible Verses, Truth

How Gullible Are We?

Yesterday my phone kept dinging because everyone was warning me about accepting a facebook friend request from Jayden K. Smith, an alleged hacker who’s going to corrupt my computer, hack my friend’s accounts, and probably drain my bank account.

You got a few dings too, eh?

Well, by now, you probably know this was a hoax.

It reminded me of this true story that occurred in the late 1990’s. Continue reading


Filed under Truth

Will Your Church Teach the Truth?

The Church of England, according to a report by The Telegraph, appears ready to condemn so-called “controversial cures” and therapy for homosexuals. This follows a recent statement by Prime Minister, Theresa May, saying they could be banned.

“The General Synod will vote on a motion to endorse a statement by psychology experts that conversion therapy, which uses methods including prayer and aversion therapy in an attempt to stop people being homosexual, is ‘unethical, harmful and not supported by evidence’”. Continue reading


Filed under Truth

Gird Yourself in Truth

This week we’re having Vacation Bible School at the West Main Church where I preach. The theme is: “Soldiers of Christ Arise.” Our Text is Ephesians 6:10-18. We’re specifically studying about the Christian armor we’re to put on. This morning I’m teaching the teenage class about “the belt of Truth.” Here’s what I’m going to share with these young people. Continue reading

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Truth vs Subjectivism


“Some say it’s generational, the tolerance of young people for same-sex marriage and so many other social issues,” wrote Cal Thomas in today’s transcript. However, Thomas thinks it’s something else.

The conservative Columnist opines “it is a falling away from the notion of objective Truth.” I believe Thomas is right. And it’s something gospel preachers have been saying for years.

Last year I heard 3 High School Students participate in a speech contest for our local Rotary Club. Each year the theme for the students is based on the Rotary 4 way test. Continue reading


Filed under Truth

Am I Your Enemy?

“Killing Jews is Worship that Draws us Close to Allah.”

These signs were ruled legal and free speech” by U.S. District Judge John Koeltl on Tuesday and will continue to be posted on NYC subways and buses. They have already been appearing on minibusses in San Francisco for quite a while.

While the substance of these signs may sound extreme and hateful, the motive behind the message is not what it first appears. Continue reading


Filed under Truth

Are You Absolutely Sure?


Sunday I heard New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio, warn the residents of the impending storm. “This could be the biggest snowstorm in the history of this city. My message for New Yorkers is prepare for something worse than we have ever seen before.”

By last night meteorologists were scaling back their predictions. And this morning I awoke to learn that while the snow was significant, it wasn’t anywhere close to the dire predictions. At least in NYC.  (Boston?  Well, they’re getting hammered!)  Anyway, it reminded me of  this old story.
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Filed under Truth