Category Archives: Respect

Word of the Week: Respectful

Last Saturday while returning from Nashville to Dallas on Southwest airlines, I picked up a copy of their magazine and saw a headline that caught my eye “The Ultimate Team Sport” by their Chairman and CEO Gary Kelly.

In the article, Kelly was comparing Southwest to a football team. In it he talked about the value of every team member, sticking together through wins and losses and how to treat others on the team. Continue reading


Filed under Respect, Uncategorized, Word of the Week

Respecting Authority


It doesn’t appear that the vitriol toward our newly elected President is going to disappear anytime soon.

In his latest music video Snoop Dogg literally takes aim at President Trump with a gun pointed at a clown dressed like the President. The rapper listed many of his grievances with the President including his travel ban, “people being in jail for weed” and of course, just winning the Presidency itself. Continue reading


Filed under America, Respect



Brad Johnson  tells about a soloist performing a song that Christian artist Sandi Patti made popular several years ago entitled “In Heaven’s Eyes.”    The audience was  enraptured as he sang:

A fervent prayer rose up to heaven

A fragile soul is losing ground

Sorting through the earthly babel

Heaven heard the sound

This was a life of no distinction

No successes, only tries

Yet gazing down on this unlovely one

There was love in heaven’s eyes Continue reading

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