Category Archives: Love

How Do You Express Love?

Kentucky author and minister Bob Russell told a story about one Valentine’s Day that he decided to something “extraordinarily romantic.”

As Bob passed by a flower shop he saw a promotion for a special Valentine’s Day package for $85. So, he purchased the beautiful bouquet of roses along with a “mushy card” that expressed his love for his wife, Judy.

Bob placed the roses and card on the kitchen counter and waited in the next room for Judy to return home from grocery shopping. Continue reading

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Filed under Love

When Life Goes Wrong, Embrace God’s Love

David DeWitt tells a funny story about Chippie the parakeet. He was simply minding his own business and singing his song one day when his owner decided to clean out his cage with the vacuum cleaner. The phone rang and the lady went to answer it and that was when things began to go horribly wrong for little Chippie.

Without the guidance of the woman, the business end of the vacuum cleaner sucked up the bird and sent him to the dust bag. Realizing what had happened the woman tore open the vacuum and ripped apart the bag to find Chippie, fearing the worst. However, Chippie was not dead but merely stunned and covered with dust. Continue reading


Filed under God, Love

5 Challenging Characteristics of Love

A few years ago The New Times, an online news source, published the results of this question: “What does love mean?”

It was posed by professionals in human behavior to a group of 4-8 year-olds. Here are some of their answers”

“When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That’s love.” Rebecca – age 8 Continue reading


Filed under Love

Jesus’ Answer To A Politically Polarized Nation

Charles Dickens’s depiction of 19th century Europe in his classic “Tale of Two Cities,” seems in some ways to describe the incredible times in which we live.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness…”

Our country enjoys unequaled prosperity, incredible opportunities, and according to a recent Gallup Poll, 90% of Americans are satisfied with their personal life. Yet, it seems more than ever, we are polarized politically socially, religiously, and morally. Continue reading


Filed under America, Love, Relationships

What is Love?

On this day, February 14, 270 A.D., a man by the name of Valentine, a religious leader in Rome in the days of Emperor Claudius II, was executed.

According to, The Roman Emperor, known as Claudius the Cruel, “was involved in many unpopular and bloody campaigns.” Apparently, he was having a difficult time getting men to join his army because of their attachment to the wives and families. So, Claudius banned all marriages and engagements in Rome.

According to one of the legends, Valentine, “realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret.” Continue reading


Filed under Love

The Love God Hates

A group of first-graders were on a field trip to a hospital. At the completion of the tour the nurse who had directed them asked, “Does anyone have a question?”

“How come the people who work here are always washing their hands?” a little fellow asked.

After the laughter had subsided, the nurse gave a great answer: Continue reading


Filed under Love

The Greatness of God’s Love

This morning reading Romans 8 reminded me of the story of little Johnny visiting his grandparents on their farm.

Johnny was given a slingshot to play with out in the woods. He practiced shooting rocks, but he could never hit the target. Discouraged, he headed back inside for lunch.

As he returned to his grandma’s backyard, he spied her pet duck. Impulsively he took aim and hit the duck square in the head and killed it. Johnny panicked and hid the duck in the woodpile, only to look up and see his sister, Sally, watching. Continue reading


Filed under Love

Word of the Week: Love

February has long been identified as a month of romance, particularly because Valentine’s Day is celebrated on the 14th in the Western world.

The history of the day is shrouded in mystery around one of the early “saints” Valentinus who was imprisoned for performed weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry. According to legend just prior to his execution, he wrote a letter to a woman he loved and signed it “Your Valentine” as a farewell. Continue reading


Filed under Love, Word of the Week

Are You Guilty of Record Keeping?

A couple was having some marital problems and sought counseling. After interviewing both together the Counselor separated them to discuss the issues individually.

When alone with the husband he asked, “What do you feel is the biggest problem in your marriage?”

“Well, every time we get into an argument,” the husband responded, “my wife gets historical.” Continue reading


Filed under Forgiveness, Love

Celebrating Our 50th Valentine’s Day



50 years ago I bought my first little heart-shaped box of Valentine’s Day candy, walked across the Florida College campus from “C Dorm” to Sutton Hall and said “Happy Valentine’s Day” to a young lady I had only been dating a short time.

By the next Valentine’s Day, Norma Jean and I were talking marriage. By our third one together we were married. Over the years we’ve celebrated Valentine’s Day where ever our ministry has taken us. Ohio. Kentucky. Tennessee. Back in Florida, twice. Missouri. And now Texas. Continue reading


Filed under Love, Marriage