Category Archives: Gospel

The Danger of Elevating Politics Over the Gospel

“When we put our trust in the political system to change society, when we become more consumed with winning the elections than winning the lost, when we marry the Gospel with politics, when our Christianity becomes an appendage to a political party, we have confused politics with the Gospel,” warned Dr. Michael Brown.

Brown, a Christian apologist, author and radio host, was recently a guest on CNB’s Faith vs Culture and expressed this concern that too many Christians have mixed up politics with the gospel. Continue reading


Filed under Gospel

Good News in a Wicked World

There’s an old saying in the news world, “If it bleeds, it leads.”

In other words, if there’s death, destruction, violence, murder, or war it receives top billing. And this is especially true in TV news broadcasts. And lately, we’ve seen plenty. Especially in Ukraine.

However, in the midst of a wicked world filled with evil people bent on killing and carnage, there’s some good news.

How about these headlines. Continue reading


Filed under Gospel

Playing Footloose with the Gospel

Our local newspaper, the Citrus County Chronicle bills itself as “Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community.” Besides featuring local news, it carries columns not always found in big-city newspapers.

In addition to “Letters to the Editor,” the Chronicle has a “Sound Off” column where readers can call a hotline number and anonymously air their personal concerns, criticisms, and complaints. Or offer their commendation for something they like.

The other day a reader who said they had been residents for 8 years shared they visited 24 churches during their first 3 years, never finding a church to their liking. Continue reading


Filed under Gospel

I’m Not Ashamed of the Gospel

The 19th century American Humorist, Samuel Clemens a.k.a. Mark Twain was known as a critic of organized religion. He often poked fun at preachers and their preaching.

One Sunday Twain attended a Sunday service. Afterward, he met the preacher at the door and said he had a book at home with every word he preached that morning.

The minister assured him that the sermon was an original. Twain still held his position. So the preacher demanded to see this book. Twain said he would send it over to his office the next morning. Continue reading

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Filed under Gospel

I Am Not Ashamed

In this age of post-modernism, pragmatism, and market-driven ministry there seems to be some embarrassment in some circles regarding the gospel message.

ThePreachersWord is posted on a number of religious facebook pages, many with names connected to churches of Christ. Yet, I often see extremely pejorative comments regarding the truth, scripture and the beliefs of brethren in general. The church is often downgraded and dismissed as an unnecessary, outdated relic of the past. Continue reading


Filed under Gospel

A Powerful Gospel Message

“You have become a man ruled by selfish and perverted desires, a man defined by his daily choices repeatedly to feed that selfishness and perversion. You chose to pursue your wickedness no matter what it cost others,” calmly and deliberately spoke Rachael Denhollander as she addressed former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar in court yesterday. Continue reading


Filed under Gospel

3 Reasons Why The Gospel is Great


Perry Greene shared this story in one of his sermons. It was early in 1945. As United States forces pushed deep into Okinawa they came across a village unlike any they had ever seen. Here at Shimabuku they were met and welcomed by two old men who invited the troops in as “fellow Christians.” Continue reading


Filed under Gospel

Is America The World’s Best Hope?


“America is the most consequential nation on Earth, and in desperate need of God at the moment. If America falls, it will be a thousand years of darkness for the entire planet.”

Conservative political pundit Ann Coulter wrote the above words in a recent column entitled “Ebola Doc’s Condition Downgraded to ‘Idiotic.’” It was in response to Dr. Kent Brantly, the medical missionary, who contracted the deadly disease while serving in Liberia.  He, along with co-worker, Nancy Writebol, have been transported to Emory Medical Center in Atlanta where they are receiving treatment for the virus that has a 90% mortality rate.  Continue reading

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Filed under America, Christ, Gospel, Hope

The Gospel in a Nutshell


The Protestant reformer Martin Luther called it “the gospel in miniature.”

Biblical Commentator William Barclay wrote that it is “the very essence of the Gospel.”

Comedian Jeff Foxworthy stated, “This is the promise that bears hope for the hopeless.”

Gospel preacher, Robert Jackson, entitled it “The greatest sentence ever written.”  Continue reading


Filed under Gospel

The Gospel: Good News!


While away in Florida earlier this month, I got out of the routine of watching the morning and evening shows that I typically watch.  And since returning home, I’ve not gotten back into that habit.

Yesterday, I turned on one of the shows I like to watch, and it was still about the same old news I heard a month a ago!  And a year ago!  Much of it bad news!  Negative news!  Depressing news! Continue reading


Filed under Gospel