Category Archives: peace

How To Feel Peace When Plagued with Problems?

During these chaotic, uncertain and unprecedented times many people are feeling distressed, disquieted, and disturbed.

However, the absence of a peaceful, calm and tranquil spirit is not all due to the current crisis of the coronavirus. For many this predicament only added more pressure to many other pressing problems.

If people of faith who’ve enjoyed a relatively good life are experiencing some feelings of anxiety, apprehension or even alarm, what do you think people who were already dealing with financial problems, relationship conflicts, or depression are feeling? What about those whose faith is weak? Or who have no faith? Or no support system Continue reading


Filed under COVID-19, peace

Seeking Peace in a Chaotic World

Bill Crowder tells the story about the time he was scheduled to teach at a Bible conference outside the US and was waiting for his visa to be approved. It had been rejected once, and time was slipping away. Without the visa, he would lose the opportunity for ministry, plus his colleagues in that country would have to find another speaker at the last minute.

During those stressful days, a co-worker asked Bill how he felt about it all. Bill told him he was experiencing “peaceful anxiety.” Continue reading

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How To Have World Peace

Today is The International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) which is observed around the world each year on September 21st. It was established in 1981 by a unanimous United Nations resolution.

According to the United Nations web site, “Peace Day should be devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples… Since its inception, Peace Day has marked our personal and planetary progress toward peace.” Continue reading

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9 Ways to Cultivate Peace of Mind


Why are some people peaceful, tranquil and calm? And others are constantly disquieted, distressed, and frustrated? Why do some folks seem happy all the time and others unhappy? Why does one person wear a perpetual smile, and another an incessant frown?

Several years ago the Sociology Department at Duke University did a study on “Peace of Mind.” After studying hundreds of people, both happy and unhappy, 9 factors were found to contribute to emotional and mental stability. Continue reading


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Peace On Earth Begins With Me

Peace. World Wide 

In 1955 the husband and wife song writing team, Sy Miller and Jill Jackson, penned the song “Let There Be Peace on Earth” about their dream to produce world-wide peace. Jill wrote the lyrics and Sy wrote the melody.

The song was first introduced to a selected group of teenagers in the summer of 1955 from different religious, racial and cultural backgrounds who attended a week-long retreat in California. They lived and worked together in a camp setting, engaging in discussion groups to develop friendship and create understanding. Continue reading

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Can We Have Peace on Earth?


In the early 1980’s a retired couple was alarmed by the  threat of nuclear war so they undertook a serious study of all the inhabited places on the globe. Their goal was to determine where in the world would be the place to be least likely affected by a nuclear war. A place of ultimate security.  Continue reading


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