Category Archives: Eulogy

A Celebration of Life: In Honor and Memory of Nancy Wyckoff

49 years ago in May 1970, Norma Jean and I moved to Hillsboro, Ohio, where I began preaching full time on a located basis. It was there we would meet and become life long friends with Dave and Nancy Wyckoff.

This past Wednesday we drove back to Hillsboro to be with Dave and share in his sorrow on Nancy’s passing, and join with him and the family to celebrate her life. On Thursday evening we gathered at the Northside Church of Christ where she has been a member almost all of her adult life for an incredible celebration. Continue reading


Filed under Death, Eulogy

Personal Reflections on the Passing of Harry Pickup, Jr.

Pickup HarryC. R. Nichol was one of the great preachers, teachers and religious writers of the late 19th and early 20th century.   He was known, not only for his scholarly work, but for his wisdom and quick wit.

One morning, while taking a walk, a friend cheerily greeted him, “Good morning, Bro. Nichol, I see that you’re still in the land of the living.”

Without missing a beat, he quickly quipped as he walk on, “No. I’m in the land of the dying. But I hope one day to go to the land of the living.” Continue reading


Filed under Death, Eulogy

In Memory of My Cousin Wimpy

 WimpyHer name was Mary Catherine Threlkel. She was my cousin. But we all knew her by “Wimpy,” the nickname given in infancy by her father because she was a fussy baby!

She died on April 8, 2015, at age 70. Last Saturday, I joined family, friends and fellow Christians in Shepherdsville, Kentucky, to honor Wimpy’‘s memory, mourn her passing, but to celebrate her life.

For over 40 years I have participated in speaking at funeral services for people of all ages and who were taken from this life in many different ways. Natural causes. Accidents. Disease. And tragic events. To stand in the specter of death is always a solemn experience. But when it’s a loved one, death suddenly becomes more personal. Painful. And thought-provoking. Continue reading


Filed under Death, Eulogy

“Hang in There:” In Memory of My Dad, Roy C. Weliever


I’ll never forget that day. It was a Thursday. April 21. 1994.

Kent Heaton came to take me to the airport. Dad and I were sitting in the sun room of the nursing home. I turned and said, “Dad, I’ve got to go home now. I’ve got a meeting that starts Sunday in Smyrna, TN. Anything you want to tell Norma and the kids?” Continue reading


Filed under Eulogy

“Facing the Music” When I Don’t Like the Song


(Note: This post was the sixth most read of 2013)

David Cawston, in a sermon entitled “Ready to Face the Music,” began with this riddle. Can you guess the answer?

“There is a preacher of the old school, but he speaks as boldly as ever. He is not popular though the world is his parish, and he travels every part of the globe and speaks in every language. He visits the poor, calls upon the rich, preaches to people of every religion and no religion, and the subject of his sermon is always the same. He is an eloquent preacher, often stirring feelings which no other preacher could in bringing tears to eyes that never weep. His arguments none are able to refute, nor is there any heart that has remained unmoved by the force of his appeals. He shatters life with his message. Most people hate him; everyone fears him.”

“His name?” Continue reading


Filed under 2013 Top Posts, Death, Eulogy

“I WILL GO TO HIM ONE DAY”: In Memory of Baby Azaiah DeGarmo


(This post received the third most views of 2013)

There is a sad story in the Old Testament about the death of King David’s infant son. When the baby became ill, David fasted, prayed and wept for six days. On the seventh day, David’s servants came with the anguished news, “He is dead.” David’s response is remarkable. Continue reading


Filed under 2013 Top Posts, Death, Eulogy

When Death is a Gain: A Tribute to Jerri Flores

Death.  It’s such a foreboding word.  A cold word.  A frightening word.  When someone says, She died.”  We almost always react with surprise. Even when the person has been sick a long time.  Or even when they are aged. 

I received such a call last week regarding my friend Jerri Flores.  Her daughter, Joy McKay, called to say, “Mom died today.”  It was not unexpected.  She was one month short of 93.  I was honored by the family to officiate her memorial service.  The theme of my sermon was “To Die is Gain.”  My text Philippians 1:21. “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”  Continue reading


Filed under Eulogy

He Lived Life in all its Fullness: My Eulogy for Gary Baughn

I will never forget when Gary stood before the church family to give a Wednesday night invitation talk. His message was about influence based on Matthew 5:14-16 where Jesus says, “You are the light of the world.” To make his point, he had someone turn out all the lights in the building. It was dark. Pitch dark. You couldn’t see Gary. Or anyone around you. Then he lighted a candle. And that single little flame provided so much light. You could see Gary and those around you. He made his point in dramatic fashion. Continue reading


Filed under Eulogy, Funerals, Gary Baughn, Uncategorized