Psalm 20:7

According to a recent poll, 65% of Democrats distrust newspapers, and 80% distrust TV news.

Among Republicans, their trust level is even lower with only 5% saying they had “a great deal or quite a lot of confidence” in newspapers, and only 8% trusted the TV news.

Lack of confidence has fallen in the past 12-18 months according to Gallup polling in all our American institutions. Police. The medical community. Churches and organized religion. Congress. The Supreme Court. And the Presidency.

Whatever reasons and psychologists suggest everything from our 24-hour cable news cycle to our partisan political divisions, where do people turn? In what or whom can they place confidence, restore trust, and find hope?

Predictably many people turn to another political party, or a new candidate, or believe that changing our overall system or dismantling it all together is the answer.

For Christ-followers, the solution is not political, social, or economic, it is spiritual. Three thousand years ago the Psalmist offered this insight.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
– Ps. 20:7

H.D.M. Spence, in the Pulpit Commentary, says “The enemies of David towards the north…were especially formidable on account of their cavalry and their chariots.” Moses, however, centuries earlier warned Israel not to “acquire many horses,” thus, putting their trust in military might.

The prophet Isaiah offered this warning.

Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help,
And rely on horses,
Who trust in chariots because they are many,
And in horsemen because they are very strong,
But who do not look to the Holy One of Israel,
Nor seek the Lord!
–Isa. 31:1

“God’s people don’t boast in their human resources,” observed Warren Wiersbe, “but in the God who alone can save them in every situation. Only this kind of faith will honor the strong name of the Lord.”

Jim Denison opined that “Our society is losing trust in today’s “chariots” and “horses.” Now it is incumbent on us to offer them something they can trust with their days and their souls..” In other words, we need a return to trust in the Lord.

Christians, however, must lead the way. We cannot deceive ourselves into thinking the answers to our most serious problems can be solved by new politicians or the reemergence of past leaders. Our underlying strength is not based on military capacity, social institutions, or economic stability.

Our money still says, “In God We Trust.” Our national motto is “In God We Trust.” Many states offer a personalized license plate reading “In God We Trust.” The question is “Do we?” Do we really trust in God? Or place our trust in our own ingenuity?

God’s name speaks of His presence. Power. Preeminence. And position. He is “The Great I AM.” He is the King of the kings of the earth. He is all-knowing. All-wise. All-powerful. And ever-present.

Trusting God goes beyond an academic acquiesce, an emotional response, or spouting pious platitudes. It speaks to the essence of who we are in our attitudes, actions, and core values. Trust in God reveals itself in our daily walk of life.

As we face cultural changes, societal dilemmas, and economic concerns, it’s time for Christians to demonstrate to a world that has lost its way, what it means to believe in God. Trust God. Obey God. And be guided by the principles and precepts of His Word.

In whom, or what do you place your trust?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
–Prov. 3:5-6

–Ken Weliever, The Preacherman


Filed under Passage To Ponder

2 responses to “Psalm 20:7

  1. Trust God! Pray for revival 🙏

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Weekly Recap: July 10-15 | ThePreachersWord

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