Daily Archives: July 5, 2022

What Will You Do in the Next 179 Days?

Last Sunday I was blessed to preach for the Wellandport Church in Wainfleet, Ontario, Canada. I have spoken there many times over the past few years, but it’s always a special treat to be with these wonderful brethren.

The Shepherds asked me to present lessons this month on my series “Let’s Renew in ‘22,” my preaching and writing theme this year. My keynote lesson takes the form often used in a New Year’s sermon, challenging us to take inventory of our lives, reevaluate our priorities, and set goals.

It occurred to me that we’re at a halfway point in the year, which is not a bad time to reexamine ourselves. Have your New Year’s resolutions, and 2022 goals fallen by the wayside? Continue reading


Filed under Renew in '22