Daily Archives: July 2, 2022

Weekly Recap: June 24-July 1

FYI: We’re taking a two-day holiday blogging break.  We will be back on Tuesday.  Happy 4th of July everyone. 

Good Morning from Port Colborne, Ontario, Canada

After a two-year absence due to COVID-19 shutdowns, we were finally able to cross the border to see our Canadian friends and brethren again.

We will be here for the month of July working with the Wellandport Church where Mike Stephens serves as both a preacher and Shepherd, along with the two other Shepherds, Rob Caldwell and Barry Burns.  I will be preaching every Sunday, plus holding a weekend meeting, July 7-10. In addition, I will be teaching the adult VBS class, July 24-27.   We are so excited to return and be with this wonderful church family. Continue reading

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