Monthly Archives: August 2016


 Moral COmpass

An investment counselor went out on her own. She was shrewd and diligent, so business kept coming in. Pretty soon she realized she needed an in-house counsel, and so she began interviewing young lawyers.

“As I’m sure you can understand,” she started off with one of the first applicants, “in a business like this, our personal integrity must be beyond question.”

She leaned forward and continued, “Mr. Peterson, are you an honest lawyer?” Continue reading


Filed under Great Bible Verses

You Can Be New Again


The centerpiece of our annual anniversary trip was an Alaskan cruise on the Island Princess. Their theme is “Come Back New.” Their advertizing brochure invites you with these enticing words. ” Escape to breathtaking ocean views, fresh, local flavors and the chance to see someone you love in awe of the world again.

It is indeed a relaxing way to vacation and enjoy special time away from your daily routines with your husband or wife. They use words like “refresh,” “renew” and “revitalize” to emphasis the new feeling you will experience. Continue reading

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Filed under Christian Living, Spiritual

Word of the Week: Creator


Good morning!

Norma Jean and I have returned from an amazing trip to Alaska. It’s been on our “bucket list” for a long time. And now it is a dream realized.

It was not only enjoyable, relaxing and breathtaking, but faith strengthening as well. Soon into the trip I knew my next word of the week for this blog was going to be “Creator.” Continue reading


Filed under Word of the Week

Tasting God’s Goodness

My wife has a lot of recipes. Suppose I invited you over one Saturday night to join us in the reading of some of her receipts?  We could read her recipes for Sunday dinner:  pot roast with carrots and potatoes, green bean casserole, squash, sweet potato casserole, rolls and chocolate pie?

You would probably say, “Ken, I’d rather wait until Sunday and come over and taste it myself.” Continue reading


Filed under Sunday Seed Thoughts


 Fix Eyes on Jesus

Helen Lemmel was a gifted British-born concert soloist and music teacheer at Moody Bible Institute who wrote the words and music Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.

In part the hymn implores: Continue reading

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Filed under It's Friday. But Sunday's Coming!

What Words Describe You?

One of my facebook friends posted this last week.  Look carefully.  What are the first four words you see?  Supposedly they will accurately describe you. Don’t read any farther until you see the four words!

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Filed under 2012 Top Posts, Discipleship, Self-Examination



In The Gift of Forgiveness, Dr. Charles Stanley relates an unforgettable story of his college professor who illustrated the concept of grace in a very practical and memorable way.

“At the end of his evangelism course he would distribute the exam, and caution the class to read it all the way through before beginning to answer it. As we read the test, it became unquestionably clear to each of us that we had not studied nearly enough.”

“The further we read, the worse it became. About halfway through, audible groans could be heard throughout the lecture hall. On the last page, however, was a note that read:” Continue reading


Filed under Grace, Great Bible Verses

“Grey Divorce” Rates Rising

It wasn’t easy for 59-year-old Margie White to ask her husband, Dick, for a divorce after 37 years of marriage.

“It really was the most courageous thing that I had to do,” she said. Continue reading


Filed under Marriage

Word of the Week: Holy


“Seeking holiness rather than happiness is a hard thing to do in the culture in which we live,” wrote John Maxwell, “because so much is geared to happiness—whatever makes you feel good.  In a secular society, happiness is the aim of life.  In a spiritual society, holiness is the thing that we strive for….Happiness is really found in holiness.  But if we try to bypass holiness in our search for happiness, we’ll miss it altogether.  Happiness is a by-product of holiness; it’s a benefit of living a pure life, rightly related to God, self and others.” Continue reading


Filed under Holiness, Word of the Week

Slow Down

My late friend David Lewis once told a story of a wealthy American entrepreneur who went on a hunting safari in Africa. He chose a seasoned guide and hired local natives to carry the necessary gear. Aggressive and driven, the business mogul wanted to go much faster than his guide from the very first day. Continue reading

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Filed under Sunday Seed Thoughts