Is Silence Approval or Disapproval?

Silence.NOI’ve heard the truism of all my life that “silence implies consent.”  This was a maxim with regard to law advocated by Sir Thomas Moore in the 16th century. Philosophically, Plato, the Greek philosopher wrote, “your silence gives consent.”

Apparently, that is no longer so in our topsy-turvy, politically correct culture. Especially as it relates to homosexuals. 

Matt Barber reports that sources have provided the Liberty Counsel an internal Department of Justice document entitled “LGBT Inclusion at Work: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Managers.”  It was sent to DOJ managers in advance of the so-called “Pride month” for homosexuals.

Among the directives, managers are instructed with regard to their homosexual employees, “Don’t judge or remain silent.  Silence will be interpreted as disapproval.” (Emphasis mine) 

Other directives to managers included attending events sponsored by homosexual groups and displaying stickers or brochures in their offices that show approval for their activities.    

So, now it’s not good enough to remain a “closet Christian,” or show “tolerance”, or just be quiet.  Your silence might mean disapproval.  And, of course, that would be awful!

What a messed up world we are living in.  Truth has been turned upside down. Morality is all relative.  Nothing is absolute.  And now if you try to be a nice person by keeping your opinion to yourself, that’s a bad thing!

While I know these edicts were issued to a specific group within the DOJ, it seems that is really what our far-left immoral culture wants.  Not just a cessation of condemnation.  Or a polite silence.  But an overt acceptance.  An open endorsement.  A welcoming embrace.

That puts sincere, Bible believers in a difficult position.  What are we to do?  Let me suggest seven things.

1. Be uncompromising when it comes to Truth.  Jesus said that God’s Word is truth (Jn. 17:17).  Through it we enjoy sanctification and salvation.  Times change. Culture changes.  But eternal principles of God do not.  Remain true.

2. Be prepared to defend your faith (1Pet. 3:15).  Know what you believe and why you believe it.   Be assured of your hope.  And ready to offer answers to those who question your Christian values.

3. Be kind and loving.  Paul admonished that we “speak the truth in love.”  (Eph.4:16).  While any disagreement with our hedonistic society will bring scorn and be interpreted by some as hateful, we are called upon to be kind. Compassionate.  Loving.  Even toward the enemies of Truth (Matt 5:43-48).

4. Be thoughtful in your responses to non-Christians (Col. 4:6).  Every situation is different.  Every person is different.  Instead of reacting.  Respond appropriately.  Exercise wisdom.  Restraint.  Graciousness.

5. Don’t be afraid to speak up when necessary.  When Peter and the apostles were instructed to quit speaking in the name of Jesus.  They refused.  Peter said, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29)

6. Realize there is an appropriate time to be quiet.  The DOJ not withstanding, there are occasions when silence may be the better part of valor.  In the trial of Jesus, there were times he didn’t dignify his accusers with a response.

7. Show respect to those in authority.  Pray for our President.  Honor those to whom honor is due.  “Render to Caesar” that which is rightfully his.  And submit to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake.(1 Tim. 2:1-2, 1Pet 2:13-17 ; Rom. 13:1)

So, now is silence acceptance or disapproval?  You decide!  But as for me I cannot help but speak the things that I have seen, heard, read and have been assured.

–Ken Weliever, The Preacherman


Filed under America, Culture, Morality

6 responses to “Is Silence Approval or Disapproval?

  1. Camille Corley

    Excellent Ken! I fear for our children raising our grandchildren in this society that we are living in. I appreciate your 7 suggestions.


  2. Ken Green

    Good one. I guess we have an ally on “the law of silence” in the DOJ. Think about it!


  3. Stephen Segrest

    Millions of “straight” Christians (especially with gay family members) struggle with this issue. For many of us, the struggle isn’t over a definition of sin — its over following Christ’s 2nd most important Commandment. For the life of me, I don’t see how supporting secular laws which result in discrimination is loving people. For example, how can a Christian support laws where a gay person can not visit their partner in the hospital as a family member? There are other views from Christians in framing this issue other than from people like Matt Barber — like those referenced by Jim Wallis:
    Question: Why shouldn’t Christians support (or be silent in opposing) secular law civil unions?


  4. Larry

    Thank you Ken for standing in the truth of our Lord. God loves all man for they are His. He does not love nor tolerate sin!


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