Tag Archives: Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord!

Freedom woman on sunset sky

Randy Aly tells the story of an elderly sister who dearly loved the Lord and often her cup of joy overflowed. Her favorite expression was, “Praise the Lord!”

Sometimes in worship services during the sermon, she would just shout out, “Praise the Lord!” This display of emotion disturbed the preacher’s train of thought and bothered him. So, he thought how he might kindly discourage her outbursts.

The woman was very poor, and therefore the minister had an idea. He offered her a parcel of groceries every month only if she would only refrain from saying, “Praise the Lord!” during his sermons. Continue reading


Filed under Praise

7 Reasons Why We Praise God


“Praise the LORD” is the beginning phrase of Pslams 146-150.  Thirty-nine times in these five  Psalms he uses the word “praise” in reference to the LORD.  This has been a frequent theme of the Psalmist.  And it should be a frequent, yes a daily occurrence in our lives.  These Psalms speak of at least seven ways that we Him . Continue reading


Filed under Psalms

Praise the Lord!

CIMG5654Robert Jackson used to tell the story about a man who showed up one Sunday to worship in more formal, liturgical church than he was used to attending. The church was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. That made it all the more obvious when this visitor got excited about something the minister said and he shouted out “Praise the Lord!” Continue reading


Filed under Psalms, Worship