Tag Archives: Growth

Sowing Seeds to Benefit Others

“Success is knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and sowing seeds that benefit others,” wrote John Maxwell in his book The Success Journey.

True success in any area of life is not independent from other people. We learn from others. Find inspiration from others. And receive encouragement from others.

But more than that, much of our satisfaction in life is derived from helping other people. By lifting them up. By feeling like we’re making a difference. By knowing that our life matters. Continue reading

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Filed under Sowing Seeds for Spiritual Growth

What’s Wrong With Settling For Just Ok?

Last night during the Alabama-Clemson national championship football game, there were some clever commercials. But the most amusing was AT&T’s ad with the catchphrase “Just Ok is not OK.”

The ads depict various situations where settling for ok is unacceptable. One shows a man in a hospital bed waiting for surgery. While his anxious wife looks on, she asks the nurse about the doctor and she responds, “He’s ok.”

In another scene, an artist tells a man getting his first tattoo that he’s “one of the tattoo artists in the city” and that the result is going to look “OK.” Continue reading

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Filed under Christian Living, Growth

Some Thoughts on Small, But Not Struggling Churches

We’re taking our annual holiday break from blogging and reblogging the top 10 posts of 2018 based on reader hits. This one inspired by MIke Stephens came in at #10.


When we first arrived in Ontario, Mike Stephens, the Wellandport preacher for over 20 years, and I were discussing my schedule for the summer. This discussion turned to the topic of small, struggling churches. He commented regarding one of the congregations, “Oh, they’re struggling to reach 200, but they are not struggling spiritually.”

In reflecting on the summer and my association with several, but not all, of the Ontario churches, I echo this sentiment. Often in the States, we equate strength with numbers. But careful observation and scriptural consideration reveal this is not necessarily so.

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Filed under 2018 Top Posts

Life Is All About Change


Love him or loathe him, but one thing is for sure, President Donald Trump has really brought change to Washington in just 10 days!

His demeanor, personality, approach, retorts, and of course, constant tweeting is change from every past President. Some like it. Others hate it so much their responses border on the irrational. Already there is a web site, ironically called change.org, demanding for the impeachment of President Trump. Continue reading


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Preparation: The Key To Success


A friend of mine from Florida, Pat Weinmann, posted the above photo on my facebook page. I clicked and it has been shared 34,000 times and liked by more than 9,000 people. So, it definitely resonated with many viewers.

I appreciate Pat sharing it. And the message is accurate. A successful 30 minute sermon is preceded by hours of research, reading, prayer and study. In fact, it is often the cumulation of years of preparation that result in the presentation. Continue reading


Filed under Discipleship, Growth

7 Principles of Personal Growth

Personal Growth

Last night I ended a very enjoyable meeting with the brethren in Anderson, Indiana. They are served by three good men who Shepherd the flock, including Carl (Mac) McMurray who also ministers in the Word.

The attendance was good. The singing was inspiring. The fellowship was warm and friendly. And the brethren were very receptive to the Word. It was the kind of meeting that every preacher enjoys. I’m sure I received as much, if not more, encouragement than I gave. Continue reading

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The late author Eda LeShan became noted for the “lobster story” reprinted in magazines, books and blogs through the years.  I recently came across it again and was challenged by its truth and simplicity.

LeShan tells about attending a dinner party and being seated next to an Oceanographer. She wondered, what will we talk about? Almost immediately the gentleman turned ask her, “Do you know how a lobster is able to grow bigger when its shell is so hard?” Continue reading


Filed under Great Bible Verses, Growth

Word of the Week: Grow


Pablo Casals was a Spanish composer, conductor and cellist. He was regarded by many as the greatest cellist of all time.

In the final years of his life, a young reporter asked him, “Mr. Casals, you are 95 yrs old and the greatest cellist that ever lived. Why do you still practice 6 hours a day?”  Continue reading

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You Can’t Grow If You’re Dead!

Turkey.FrozenNorma Jean and I are in Florida for Thanksgiving.  Last night we went grocery shopping, laying in food for our stay and for the big day on Thursday!  When we came to the meat section, she found a turkey and said “Do you think it’s big enough?”  I agreed that it was.  But it reminded me of this story. Continue reading


Filed under Growth

7 Questions To Help You Grow


There are several memorable lines in the classic movie, Forrest Gump.

There is often quoted, “My momma always said, “Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

Then the insightful, “My Mama always said you’ve got to put the past behind you before you can move on.

I like Mrs. Gump’s observation, “You have to do the best with what God gave you.”

But then there is a poignant scene between Jenny and Forrest.   Continue reading

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