Daily Archives: March 9, 2022

Overcoming Evil With Good

Andrew Moroz is a Ukrainian-American preacher who reports that Christians in his home country are “putting their faith into practice” and shining the light of Christ despite not knowing what will remain of their homeland after the war, as reported by Michael Foust on ChristianHeadlines.com

Moroz says it’s both “beautiful” and “heartbreaking” to see how churches have responded to the Russian invasion.

In describing how people were helping, encouraging, and serving one another in such dire circumstances, Moroz said, “By God’s grace we can overcome evil with good.” Continue reading


Filed under Evil, Goodness

Colossians 4:5-6

“Christians are to be the good news before they share the good news,” opined Jospeh Aldrich in his book Lifestyle Evangelism.

Aldrich’s observation reminds me of a quote credited to Francis of Assisi who said, “Always preach the Gospel, and when necessary, use words.”

Both ideas suggest that evangelism is more than just a Monday night event. More than joining an outreach group. More than giving away free Bibles at Starbucks. More than going door to door to find prospects. Continue reading


Filed under Passage To Ponder