Tag Archives: Mike Cope

1 John 4:7-8

This month I’m speaking on a summer series at the Cornerstone Church in Centerville, Ohio, on the theme “Tough Questions on the Existence of God.”

Last night I spoke on “How Do I Connect With God?” I pointed out that sometimes our connection with God is short-circuited. One of the ways this may happen is by an unscriptural attitude about our relationship. Continue reading

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Filed under Passage To Ponder

Word of the Week: Near


A farmer, Jeb, and his wife, Mabel, were driving into town in their pickup truck. He was sitting behind the wheel in silence.  Eyes focused on the road.  Thinking about the work he had to do.  Mabel was sitting on the other side of the cab against the door.

It was a beautiful Fall day. The sun was shining.  The leaves were changing.  And Mabel begin to reminisce about their younger days.  How they enjoyed long drives in the country.  Special time together.  And the intimacy of a young couple in love.

Finally Mabel turned to Jeb and said, “You know when we were younger, we used to sit close together when we went out for a drive.”  Continue reading


Filed under Word of the Week

Do You Really “Know God” ?


My wife, Norma Jean, has a daily devotional book by Sarah Young called Take My Heart, Oh God. Today’s quote, by Jane Rubietta, is: “The more we know God, the more deeply we love God.” 

Think about it. Do you know God? Really know God?  Continue reading

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Filed under God, Relationships, Spiritual

Near to the Heart of God


Cleland McAfee was a preacher and song writer from Parkville, Mo,.  He lived in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.  He was known for often writing his own songs that fit the theme of a sermon he was preaching.  In 1903 he suffered the tragic loss of two infant nieces to diphtheria.

His daughter, in her book Near to the Heart of God, describes what happened. Continue reading


Filed under Christian Living, God

Draw Near to God

“Lord be with us…” is an expression we often hear in public prayers.  Sometimes it’s prayed as it relates to our family.  Or in a closing prayer as we leave the assembly.  Or in our daily Christian walk.  I’ve also heard it applied to our services.  “Lord be with us as we worship today.” Continue reading


Filed under Christian Living, Prayer, Worship

The Measure of Our Maturity

Sometime ago I read a devotional piece by the minister and writer Bill Crowder.  He told about going to the Hallmark store to get a birthday card and came across one that read, “You are only young once, but you can be immature forever!”

I suppose if you are a fan of Peter Pan there is something attractive about never growing up.  But hopefully most Christians know that perpetual immaturity is not only inappropriate, but unacceptable.  Paul encourages us to mature through these words to the Ephesians. Continue reading


Filed under maturity