Back To God

Tuesday night was the finale for the 25th season of The Voice. Reba McEntire’s soulful singer Asher took first place. But she also had the runner up with country artist Josh Sanders.

Leading up to the announcement of the winner, the coaches sang with each of their team members who had advanced. Reba and Josh performed their special rendition of Randy Houser’s song “Back to God.”

“Back to God” was a hit for Reba when it was released in 2017 as a single from her album “Songs of Faith and Hope.” Later she teamed with Lauren Daigle and performed it on the American Country Music Awards Show.

While Reba received negative reviews in some circles for the song being “too preachy,” she has embraced it and not shied away from singing it. Before their performance Tuesday Reba commented that she and Josh shared a mutual faith in the Lord.

While I don’t know Josh or Reba’s religious affiliation they are commended for singing this powerful song with its compelling message on live TV. In the midst of a world with so much vitriolic shouting, acts of violence, and outward expressions of hate, the lyrics speak to a urgent need for our country. And for our world.

The first stanza of the song begins with this sad but accurate observation.

Oh have you looked around
Have you heard the sound
Of Mama’s cryin’
Or do you turn away
When you see the face
Of the innocent dyin’
In these darkest days
Are you not afraid
That it’s too late

Before the chorus, the bridge implores…

We can’t love like this
We gotta give this world back to God

The second stanza asks personal questions that we all can relate to at different times in our lives

Have you lost a love?
Do you feel like givin’ up?
Has your heart been broken?
Are your kids okay?
Will they come home safe?
Do you lie there hoping?
You can make a wish, you can knock on wood
Oh it won’t do no good

The repeated chorus then challenges us with this soul searching plea.

You gotta get down on your knees, believe
Fold your hands and beg and plead
Gotta keep on praying
You gotta cry, rain tears of pain
Pound the floor and scream His name
‘Cause we’re still worth saving
Can’t go on like this and live like this
We can’t love like this
We gotta give this world back to God

Reflecting on these words reminds me of an oft repeated refrain by the Old Testament prophets to ancient Israel “Return to the Lord.” God’s people had a history of being lead astray by idolatry, heathen practices, and losing their religious fervor by just plain negligence.

The prophet Amos warned Israel of an impending judgment because they had neglected God’s Word. They had oppressed the poor. Reveled in luxurious wantonness. Indulged in the worship of idols with its attendant immorality. And had rendered their worship to Jehovah as ineffectual and hypocritical.

As a result, Amos reminds them how God chastised them with various natural disasters. Famine, flood, and drought. Blight and mildew that destroyed their crops, along with locusts. Death as a result of war. Yet, none of that phased them. The prophet repeated this line over and again. “Yet you have not returned to Me, says the Lord” (Amos 4:1-11).

Finally, God’s message is simple. “Prepare to meet your God, O Israel.” (4:12). Judgment was coming. And the nation would fall into captivity, at the hands of the cruel Assyrians.

I wonder. With all of the upheveal, natural disasters, and threats of foreign foes is God trying to get our attention today? Is He sending us a message?
God has blessed America with wealth, prosperity, and opportunity unlike any other country in history. Yet, we have squandered so much through waste, selfishness and conspicuous consumption. We are morally bankrupt. As a country, we’ve rejected God’s marriage laws, spurned His guidance regarding sexual purity, and mocked His divine gender roles distinguishing men and women.

Our leaders play politics and seem impotent to solve any of the fiscal, moral, or crime related problems facing our land. We are divided by race, social status, economic standing and religious beliefs, or the lack thereof. We are polarized in a way that we have not seen in our lifetime.

What’s the answer?

It’s an often repeated Biblical message succinctly stated in Reba and Josh’s song. And it must begin, not just in the White House, the Court House, the State House, but in our house. My house. And your house.

“We give this world back to God
Oh, give it back”

–Ken Weliever, The Preacherman


Filed under America, Culture, Spiritual

5 responses to “Back To God

  1. tjyates59a6328895

    Soulful “sinner”?


    • No, that should actually be a soulful singer. I caught that I thought before I had sent it out. But accidentally had hit publish. Got it corrected now for future readers thanks for letting me know and thanks for reading my blog


  2. In 1962 when he was just 21 years old, Bob Dylan Wrote the Song “Blown’ in the Wind” with the refrain— The answer my friend is blown’ in the Wind.

    Commenting on his song, he said “I’m only 21 years old and I know that there’s been too many wars … You people over 21, you’re older and smarter”

    In the 8th Century BCE. Isaiah wrote:

    “Woe is me, 

    for I am ruined, 

    because I am a man of unclean lips 

    dwelling among a people of unclean lips; 

    for my eyes have seen the King, 

    the LORD of Hosts.”

    Then one of the seraphim flew to me, and in his hand was a glowing coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. And with it he touched my mouth and said: 

    “Now that this has touched your lips, 

    your iniquity is removed 

    and your sin is atoned for.”

    And then…the Lord told him that he would preach to a world …but they would have calloused hearts, deaf ears and closed lips.

    The answer then…was when the land became desolate and the cities uninhabitable…God as God did on the Third Day …would breathe life into TREES

    “As the terebinth and oak leave stumps when felled, so the holy seed will be a stump in the land.”

    Way back when Paul and Barn ABA were set apart in Acts 13:2 to (walk the talk) of the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ…they went to Derbe and Lystra. According to Strong’s Concordance #G1191 Derbe means Tanner, tanner of skin. But another source says that the local people likely saw Derbe as a Juniper Tree.

    I point this out to illustrate how Paul and Barn ABA were actually set apart by the Holy Spirit infused in the Ever Burning BUSH Moses “The Rabboni” the Teacher of Israel encountered and it is important to realize how and why Moses instructed his “smithies” to hammer out the Golden Lamp Stand to resemble the Almond Branch, the AMYGDALA he saw on the Mountain.

    Many young people today claim to be Spiritual but not Religious…and truly think The answer is blown’ in the wind. So those of us over 21 and on the Mark (15:21) need to start giving the faithful remnants…the “meat” of the Gospel. We need to point out to those whose eyes are shut…who Paul is and let them see Paul “face to face” and fully know Paul.


  3. decaturranger

    It is Memorial Day and maybe it has me down, but the fact you seem to be extolling a song with church words sang by a wonderful entertainer who has stated multiple times she believes in reincarnation?

    I’m sorry Preacher Man but this just seems another example, of whether a gymnast, football kicker, or a singer that we rush to crown as another Christian hero.

    It is just sad to me, to watch this song, you have to watch the commercials in between to listen to a song full of human emotion but sure short on a Savior.

    I have enjoyed you for years bit this one was sure strange.


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