Celebrate Social Media Day With Something Positive

Today, June 30th, is “World Social Media Day,” according to the National Holiday Calendar that cites unusual and little known “holidays.”

WSMD was first launched by the digital web site Mashable, June 30,2010, “as a way to recognize social media’s impact on global communication, and to bring the world together to celebrate it.”

There’s no denying, social media impacts all of us. Even those who don’t use social media are reminded of its presence and touched by its influence. Popular tweets and facebook posts are often reported on TV and radio and reprinted in newspapers, and magazines.

From facebook, launched in 2004, to other platforms like Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Whatsapp, TikTok, it is estimated that over one billion people use social media in some form.

Social media not only allows us to connect with our family and friends, but it has also birthed business growth through e-commerce companies worldwide. Its impact economically, politically, socially, and culturally is immense. It’s difficult to imagine what it would be like to live without social media.

For many of us, social media is both a bane and a blessing. Without it, ThePreachersWord, and other blogs like it, could not go around the world sharing the Good News of Jesus in a split second. We’ve had readers from over 200 countries and territories. We enjoy seeing pictures of friends, family, and brethren. Even in faraway places. We learn of baptisms, birthdays, and anniversaries. We hear the Word of God preached. Participate in Bible studies. Encourage young preachers. And, of course, get to see our grandchildren while we’re traveling.

The flip side, however, is not so pretty. Social media may spread gossip. Hurl insults. Stir up strife. Promote immorality. Divide brethren. Rupture relationships. And appeal to the lusts of the eyes, the lusts of the flesh, and the pride of life (I Jn. 2:15-17). Not to mention, it causes us to waste a lot of time, posting something silly or browsing through posts to see what others are doing. For these, and other reasons, I can understand why some are leaving some platforms of social media.

However, like any technology, it can be a tool of the devil, or we can use it effectively, efficiently, productively, and even to the glory of God.

Today, why not celebrate social media by using it for something positive? Here are a dozen ideas.

♦Share some good news.

Photo by Tracy Le Blanc on Pexels.com

♦Post your favorite Bible verse.

♦Reconnect with a friend from bygone days.

♦Provide a link to a site that will edify, encourage, and inspire others.

♦Report on the progress of your ministry.

♦Offer an inspiring quip or quote.

♦Congratulate a friend or brother on some achievement.

♦Contribute financially to a worthy cause.

♦Post a beautiful picture.

♦Repost some encouraging words from a friend that will help others.

♦Share your blog site, personal web page, or a church web page with good, uplifting sermons, and articles.

♦Hmm, maybe even share ThePreachersWord blog with someone who would profit from it.

Whatever you decide to share on social media, today (and from this day forward) commit to “speaking the truth in love.” Treat others the way you want to be treated. Let your speech be gracious, seasoned with salt. Display good manners. And be kind to one another.

We’d love to hear from our readers. Post something positive on the comment section below, or on our facebook page, Twitter or LinkedIn.

–Ken Weliever, The Preacherman




Filed under Social Media

7 responses to “Celebrate Social Media Day With Something Positive

  1. I post on some social media platforms and I also blog. It’s a great way to keep in touch.. I stay away from negative things.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Peggy Hobbs

    I’m so encouraged each day with your blog that I’ve shared with several of my friends. They in turn have shared with others. Grateful for your daily posts, keep up the good work!


  3. Shirley Robinson

    I enjoy reading your posts everyday!


  4. John Cosper

    Thank you, Ken, for the blog. I don’t see how you do it. I had to do a weekly column for the local paper as part of my job and found that difficult. We have used your writings on our congregation’s Facebook page and have received great comments. I have used some, especially the “It’s Friday….” ones for talks prior to the Lord’s Supper. You are blessed with a great talent.


    • Thank you John. You are very kind. Yes sometimes this amount of writing is a challenge. But it’s been very rewarding. I’m so glad you have found a post helpful. And are able to share them with your church family. Thanks for taking the time to respond. God bless

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Weekly Recap: June 28-July 3 | ThePreachersWord

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