Daily Archives: June 11, 2024

Daniel 3–Unbending Commitment

Yesterday’s lesson at the Temple Terrace VBS was instructive, exciting, challenging, and inspiring. And not just for the kids

My good friend and preaching colleague, Ralph Walker, presented an engaging lesson that paralleled the children study of the three Hebrew boys, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, who along with Daniel were in Babylonian captivity.

While there is no way we can capture the power of Ralph’s lesson in this short blog post, take a minute to read the text and consider these thoughts. Continue reading


Filed under Passage To Ponder

How To Be Ten Times Better

This week we’re in Temple Terrace, Florida, attending the VBS at the Temple Terrace Church with our four grandchildren, Roy, Miles, Katherine, and Fern.

The book highlights the sovereignty and providence of Jehovah as well as the courage, faithfulness and fortitude of Daniel and the other Hebrews– Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego

Our study reminds me of a story once told by Charles Spurgeon, the 19th-century British evangelist, who was conducting a boys Bible class on the book of Daniel. Continue reading

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