My Response to President Obama


(This post has received the most views of any post during 2013 and 2012)

Monday was a historical day.  On MLK day our first black President was sworn into office for a second term.  But there was something else.  For the first time in an Inaugural speech, a President used the word “gay” to address sexual orientation and promote same-sex marriage.

President Obama  also invoked “Stonewall” a gay bar in Greenwich, where in 1969 a police raid sparked riots.  He placed it the same category as 1848 Women’s right convention in Seneca Falls, and the 1965 civil rights March in Selma, Alabama.

And what is my response? 

I respectfully disagree.  I believe that same-sex marriage is a violation of the Bible’s definition of marriage (Matt. 19:4-6), and that homosexuality is a sin (1Cor 6:9-11).  And I will continue to preach the truth, our President’s agenda not withstanding.

So, how should be my response to our reelected President be expressed?

As a Christian I am called to attitudes and actions that rise above a selfish, sinful, secular world.   Consider these Bible exhortations as they relate to Christians, their leaders and their government.

1 Tim 2:1-5

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior…

1 Peter 2:13-17

Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.  For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God.  Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.

Rom 13:1-7

Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.  Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves…. it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience.

This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full-time to governing.  Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

Based on these exhortations, these 9 principles should guide our response.

1. Pray for President Obama.  Pray for peace. Tranquility. And an environment conducive to goodness and godliness.

2. Be respectful of the President and the leaders of our land.  Pejorative remarks and unkind epitaphs are unbecoming to followers of Christ.

3. Show honor.  Paul not only taught it.  But practiced it in his interaction with ungodly rulers like Felix, Festus and Agrippa.

4. Obey the law.  Our disagreement with enacted laws do not give us the right to violate them, unless they conflict with God’s divine laws (Acts 5:29)

5. Pay taxes.  Will taxes increase over the next four years?  Probably!  What should I do?  Pay them!  Be honest.  Be honorable.

6. Do good.  Be good.  Live godly.

7. Don’t use your liberty as a licence to sin.  Or a cover up for ungodly attitudes.  Or a cloak for malicious talk.

8. Be true to your spiritually trained conscience.  Don’t violate what you know to be right.

9. Glorify God.  We are merely foreigners here.  We sojourn.  While we have obligations to our elected officials, God is the One we serve.  Honor. Fear.  And He is why we rise above pettiness, ugliness, and harshness.

Certainly I have the right to disagree with policies. To petition for change. And to preach the Truth.  But may it be done with the attitude of Christ, a spirit of love, and words and actions that honor King Jesus.

–Ken Weliever, The Preacherman


Filed under 2013 Top Posts, America, Culture

52 responses to “My Response to President Obama

  1. ” I believe that same-sex marriage is a violation of the Bible’s definition of marriage ”

    But should a secular nation’s definition of marriage bow to the Bible’s definition? Not necessarily.


  2. Judy Bertram

    I am in total agreement with your points above. I have been saddened by things I have heard my brothers and sisters say regarding the issues you stated above. We can disagree, and should, but should always be Christ-like in our demeanor, otherwise, we are acting no better than they are.


  3. Diane @ Me, Him And The Cats

    Not everyone in America is Christian though, so we cannot force everyone to follow Christian beliefs. The colonists came to the new world because they wanted Religious freedom.


    • Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment. Are there any major world relgions that value same-sex marriage? If there are, then I don’t about it. BTW, if we adopted Islam, they not only repudiate homosexuality, but regard it as a capital crime! Just as the Jews did in the Old Testament. Christianity does not force anyone to believe a certain way, or live a certain way. But through the power of the gospel and a spirit ofGod’s loveseeks to bring all to a voluntary obedience to its Truths. Our laws have a fundamental basis in Judeo-Christian beliefs from the Bible. I believe our nation is better off continuing inthat directrion instead of abandoning it for a direction that historically has always lead ruin.

      Ken Weliever 400 NW Highcliffe Dr Lee’s Summit, MO 64081 Home Phone: 816-600-5001 Cell Phone: 813-507-1726 Church Office: 816-761-2659 web site: blog: Church web site:



  4. ann white

    ken, i shared on facebook. this is right on!


  5. Ken, as always, eloquent and Biblically accurate – 1st class job.


  6. Excellent article, Ken! Great job!


  7. David

    You said, “Our laws have a fundamental basis in Judeo-Christian beliefs from the Bible.” Actually, that’s not true. “The Government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” – John Adams, 1796. The idea that our Constitution is based on the Bible is a myth long perpetuated by Christians and is laughable to anyone who is well educated on the topic. And since it is a myth, bringing the Bible into political/law making discussions also needs to stop, it has no place here. It is no more relevant to the topic than the Qur’an or the Book of Mormon is. However, feel free to believe that all you want. Feel free to write a blog about it, feel free to post it on Facebook. It’s your opinion and you have a right to express it. And I have no ill will towards you or anyone else who shares this belief. Unfortunately, you will find yourself on the wrong side of history, right next to the people who used the Bible to defend slavery/racism and the people who used the Bible to defend their stance against women’s suffrage. Your great grandchildren will most likely be ashamed of you. Just like I am ashamed of my lineage for using a religious book to defend discrimination against their fellow human beings. Because that’s all you are doing here – you are discriminating. You just so happen to believe your Bible tells you to do so. And that’s a shame. I look forward to the day when this line of thinking has gone the way of the Dodo bird. When Christians will look back in shame and say, “I can’t believe we thought that way!” Because that day cometh, and that right soon.


    • Thanks for reading and taking the time to share your opinions.   Isn’t it great that we can all live in a country where people can choose to be Believers, or non-believers?   I don’t have the time right now to answer every point you made, but will consider it fodder for future blogs on Why I Believe the Bible is the Word of God.   But I will say this, the Bible has been abused, misused and misapplied by people with impure motives to further their agenda.  The Bible does not condone ill treatment of women or justify racism.  In fact, in a day when such attitudes were common in the Roman world, Paul proclaimed that “all are one in Christ”    BTW, do you believe it God?  In not, maybe I need to start there and move forward.

      Ken Weliever 400 NW Highcliffe Dr Lee’s Summit, MO 64081 Home Phone: 816-600-5001 Cell Phone: 813-507-1726 Church Office: 816-761-2659 web site: blog: Church web site:




    • Bill Hood

      David, I would caution you to remember that many of our founding fathers were very religious men, including some who were preachers. Their personal history certainly influenced their contributions to the founding of this nation. You cannot look on public buildings in Washington, DC and not see the religious heritage displayed for all to see. You cannot read our laws and not see that they were, for the most part, modeled directly from Scriptural law, both Old Testament, and New Testament. Believing or disbelieving a thing makes it neither true nor untrue.


  8. Pastor Ken, Thank you for using Scripture to back up what you’ve said in this post…I have prayed for President Obama, but I have also disagreed with what he has said or done so heartily that i’ve often dishonored his position by shooting off my mouth in anger about him. Thanks for the reminder on our responsibility as Christians, to be obedient to God’s Word.


  9. Don Elliott

    A secular nation that addresses God in its Declaration of Independence and Constitution most certainly should bow to God. To equate the homosexual community, which is most definitely not gay (happy, joyful) to women’s and civil rights belittles these two groups. Women and most minorities can be identified easily, Homosexuals flaunt their deviant lifestyle which would not be known without their own declaration. I have worked with many homosexuals and never thought anything of it because they did not use their chosen sexuality to define themselves.


  10. John Mulligan


    This is the best response I have heard from a believer in relation to Mr.Obama’s inaugural address. It is Scripturally accurate in every point and reflects the tone of the Scriptures you cite.

    Thank you,

    John Mulligan
    Teacher, San Mateo High School


  11. Bill Hood

    It is not difficult to identify those who claim to be “progressive” by their tone and rhetoric. It is also not difficult to understand that “progressive” is another word for “unbeliever” whose primary desire is to get as far away from the Word of God as is humanly possible. That too, shall come to pass.

    We are on the verge of social upheaval in this country never before seen in a “free” civilized society. Our Republic is teetering on the brink of disaster. We have, indeed, become the mirror image of ancient Rome. Now is the time, if ever there was not a time, for solid biblical teaching on every aspect of the Christian’s responsibility to God, separating well our human tendencies learned through right of birth, from spiritual obligation created in our rebirth with Christ Jesus. It is a wonderful thing to place all our hope and confidence in the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

    For those of us who have served our country in military service, an even greater challenge approaches in the possibility of having to obey the order to give up our guns. You see, those of us who served took an oath to our country, before and including God, to “.. defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic..” The last words in that oath are, “So help me God.”

    Ken, you do what I consider to be a wonderful job in addressing our everyday spiritual needs through Scripture. I appreciate your work very much. I believe there is a rapidly approaching conflict, for all Christians, which will literally redefine, in the human sense, the Lord’s church as it resides on the earth. I believe our historical church “skirmishes” will pale in comparison. I pray for you, myself, and our brethren in every place, that we will leave our preconceived notions aside, listen to God, abide in his word, and be prepared to face the wrath looking certain to come in our lifetimes.

    May God be praised in our confident pursuit of His pleasure and our desire to honor Him in our daily living.


  12. Dennis Fink

    Hi Ken, thanks for the excellent article, Some thoughts: 1) the colonists wanted “religious freedom” to practice Christianity, NOT the “everything is okay” mentaility that is defined today. EVERY founding document in the colonies addressed God in terms of Christianity. The Founders thought and plainly stated Islam to be an “abomination”. To a man they believed Christianity superor, even where there is question of their “belief”. That for the first time a government was founded on Biblical principles is suggestive of why our nation once prospered and as we depart these principles is suggestive of why we are in decline. Our ONLY hope is to be “light and salt” and this cannot only happen in the church building. 2) I agree with your words unless our government attempts to coerce us to practice evil. Clearly the martyrs “resisited”, willingly sacrificing their lives rather than support or practice “such things”.


  13. Bob Roberson

    I really wished Obama would stop referencing the Bible when it suits him and completely ignoring what it says when it doesn’t. His abuse of scripture makes it quite clear that calling him a Christian is really trying to put a square peg in a round hole.


  14. Amanuel

    I agree with apreacher


  15. Larry Harris

    God bless you Ken for standing for the truth.


  16. Betty

    Thank you for stating the attitude that we as Christians should have in such a simple, understandable way according to scripture. I accept it for it is the truth. That said, it is one of the most difficult ongoing struggles I have ever dealt with. Probably because of my generations deep rooted patriotism in what we have believed our country has stood for during a majority of our life time and our willingness to fight for it and die for it. Most people my age have family members who fought for this country and many of those made the ultimate sacrifice, Times change and nations change. I think that has been the most difficult lesson for my generation to face. Once again we are reminded, “This world is not my home, I’m just a passing thru…”


  17. Dave

    Today these issues get over complicated. We can leave the Bible out of this discussion….this is America and it is ok to be gay and it’s allowed here. The issue IS redefining things….America’s definition of marriage (for 200+ years) has been the union of a man and woman….gay couples should be entitled to a civil union (or whatever you want to name it) and the same benefits as straight couples but it makes no sense to redefine anything.


    • Bill Hood

      Unless I misunderstand you, Dave, it is obvious you do not understand anything having to do with the marriage union. America, for 200 years +, has defined marriage as God defined it from the beginning. We, the country, did not define marriage at all. We simply accepted God’s definition in submissive obedience to His word.


  18. David

    Having been a part of many internet debates like this my experience tells me that nothing will get solved here. And given the fact that I am severely outnumbered I am not inclined to continue this any further than this post. So I will take a few statements made earlier and try to rebut them one by one as clearly as I can and leave the debate to the rest of you. Thank you for indulging me in this highly emotional, often divisive topic.

    Bill Hood – “David, I would caution you to remember that many of our founding fathers were very religious men, including some who were preachers.” While it’s true that they were religious that does not necessarily mean that they were Christians. Thomas Payne, Benjamin Franklin, our 1st 5 Presidents (George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe) and many more were deists, not Christians. By definition, deism is “the belief that reason and observation of the natural world are sufficient to determine the existence of God, accompanied with the rejection of revelation and authority as a source of religious knowledge.” In other words, they believed in a god but did not subscribe to the bible’s definition of him. In fact, Thomas Jefferson wrote his own version of the New Testament called “The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth” which excluded all of Jesus’ miracles, any mention of the resurrection, and any passage that indicated that Jesus was divine. He believed Jesus was a good man, but not God. This is the same man who wrote the Declaration of Independence, signed the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and was our 3rd president (the very definition of a forefather). Our forefathers were not “to a man” (as Dennis Fink said) Christians. Admittedly, some were but most were not.

    Dennis Fink – “the colonists wanted ‘religious freedom’ to practice Christianity, NOT the ‘everything is okay’ mentaility that is defined today. EVERY founding document in the colonies addressed God in terms of Christianity.” If that were true then why do we have freedom of religion? Clearly the New Testament states that there is “one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism”. If our forefathers were basing our laws on the bible then they would not have been so thoughtless to leave this out. For more evidence that they did not base our founding documents on Christianity see my paragraph above or the John Adams quote I posted earlier.

    Bill Hood – “We, the country, did not define marriage at all. We simply accepted God’s definition in submissive obedience to His word.” That’s like saying we didn’t define slavery, we simply accepted God’s definition of it. If you don’t know what I am referencing, see Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Jeremiah (et al.) where God is implicit in the practice of slavery. Paul was too (Ephesians and I Timothy). Just because there is a biblical definition of something does not mean that we need to continue to accept it 2,000+ years later. Here’s my question… If it’s possible that the biblical references to slavery can be dismissed today because now we know better isn’t it also possible that the biblical references to homosexuality can also be dismissed for the same reasons?

    Bill Hood – “It is not difficult to identify those who claim to be ‘progressive’ by their tone and rhetoric. It is also not difficult to understand that ‘progressive’ is another word for ‘unbeliever’ whose primary desire is to get as far away from the Word of God as is humanly possible.” Name calling is a clear sign of a reasonable, emotionally mature man. Thank you for that Bill. This is probably the biggest problem in our country today. No debate can get anywhere because the left calls the right dumb and the right calls the left elitists. That’s just one example of many names that are being hurled by each side. However, Bill’s assertion is particularly offensive because it implies (or flat out states) that you have to be a conservative to be a believer. If you take that a step further then you’re basically saying all progressives are going to hell. Well played sir. If I were easily offended by silly insults I might go off the rails and start calling you every negative conservative slur in the book. But I’m not going to do that. I believe there is value on both sides of the aisle. I believe there is value in both conservatism and liberalism; I believe there is value in both atheism and religion. So while you are quick to dismiss me and my opinions I will not do the same to you. With the exception of one sibling my entire family is conservative Christians. To dismiss you so easily would be to dismiss them as well. And I choose not to do that. I believe your opinion is valuable Bill, regardless of what you think about mine. (Just for the record, I happen to personally know a lot of progressive Christians. If you go into their house you will see a painting of Jesus or a bible scripture right next to a poster of Obama.)

    Ken Weliever – “The Bible does not condone ill treatment of women or justify racism.” I guess that depends on how you read it. Many people would argue that telling a woman to be quiet in church (I Corinthians), telling her she should learn in quietness and submission (I Timothy), stoning women who have sex before marriage (Deuteronomy 22), calling a woman who just gave birth or is on her period “unclean” (Leviticus 12) among others is condoning ill treatment of women. As for racism, there are plenty of OT verses (that I can’t think of off the top of my head) where God tells his people not to intermarry with other nations; he also called the Jews his “chosen people”. So yes, depending on how you read it the Bible can in fact condone racism and misogyny. Do you see my point? If it’s possible that people misread biblical racism and misogyny to defend their position on slavery and women’s suffrage isn’t it also possible that people are misreading the bible’s stance on homosexuality to defend their stance on same sex marriage? There are literally thousands of biblical scholars who believe (through much research) that the NT verses about homosexuality are referring to pederasty, not a loving committed relationship between two adults. Who’s to say they are wrong and you’re right? Is it possible that you’re wrong? Is it at all possible? I guess what I am getting at is a lack of humility when I read these kinds of posts/blogs. And you are not the only one – I am by no means trying to single you out. You’re blog just happened to pop up on my Facebook feed through a mutual friend. You can believe that homosexuality is a sin, that’s fine. But use some modesty when you are making these statements because it’s possible you are wrong about it. Instead of, “This is wrong, our country is wrong, Obama is wrong and I will pray for him” how about, “This is what I think based on what I’ve read, what do you think?” I hope that makes sense.

    Again, I have no ill will to anyone on this thread. I have enjoyed engaging with all of you on this debate. Peace and love. David


    • Bill Hood

      David: “While it’s true that they were religious that does not necessarily mean that they were Christians.”

      I don’t believe I said any of our founding fathers were Christians. If any of them were, I have no personal knowledge . I Said, “many of our founding fathers were very religious men, including some who were preachers. Their personal history certainly influenced their contributions to the founding of this nation.”

      David: “Just because there is a biblical definition of something does not mean that we need to continue to accept it 2,000+ years later.”

      And by whose authority do you make this decision? According to Scripture, God is constant.. James 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom can be no variation, neither shadow that is cast by turning.”

      Here’s my question… “If it’s possible that the biblical references to slavery can be dismissed today because now we know better isn’t it also possible that the biblical references to homosexuality can also be dismissed for the same reasons?”

      The issue, as you have named it, has to do with Homosexuality. The question is a simple one. Do you believe what God has said about it or not? Leviticus 20:13; Rom 1:26–27; 1 Cor 6:9–10; 1 Tim 1:9–11

      David: “Name calling is a clear sign of a reasonable, emotionally mature man. Thank you for that Bill.”

      I made a general statement that is historically true, and not directed to anyone in particular. “It is not difficult to identify those who claim to be “progressive” by their tone and rhetoric. It is also not difficult to understand that “progressive” is another word for “unbeliever” whose primary desire is to get as far away from the Word of God as is humanly possible.” That statement has been verified and reinforced in your response.

      David: “Bill’s assertion is particularly offensive because it implies (or flat out states) that you have to be a conservative to be a believer. If you take that a step further then you’re basically saying all progressives are going to hell. Well played sir.”

      This is not a game, David. Actually, this is a Blog and forum dedicated to scriptural teaching, not politics. Frankly, I believe Jesus who said, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 7:21, and consequently I am not all that confident that all professed “believers” will go to Heaven.

      David: “If I were easily offended by silly insults I might go off the rails and start calling you every negative conservative slur in the book.”

      Apparently you took this very personally. It was not intended so, and since I have inadvertently touched a nerve, you have my sincere apology.

      Savid: “But I’m not going to do that. I believe there is value on both sides of the aisle. I believe there is value in both conservatism and liberalism; I believe there is value in both atheism and religion.”

      This last statement is clearly a definition of your position regarding the Word of God. And that position is really the only true concern we must have if we are to see the Glory of Heaven. That is my hope and my goal. I don’t know all that much, but I would be happy to share what I know of the God of Heaven with you if you are willing. It would be fitting to do this through another medium rather than this Blog. You may contact me here.


  19. Dave, and all I can add to that is that this has been a good reminder to hate the sin, not the sinner. Peace and love to you too…


  20. Pamela Riddick

    Thank you Ken for helping us to know how we should respond as Christians to our President when we are so discouraged by his actions. It is helpful to keep in mind the 9 principles that you gave with biblical reference. This is one of the areas that I need help with. Thank You!


  21. Camille Corley

    Appreciate your comments Ken. I totally agree!


  22. Dan Blurton

    Hey Ken! I’ve heard several state like yourself that we are to live under our governments rule and to obey it if it is inline with God’s laws. My question is, were our fore-fathers sinning by fighting the Revolutionary War to obtain our freedom? Also, if our government tried to become tyrannical, would we be in sin to fight for our freedoms again?


  23. Pingback: Respecting Authority | ThePreachersWord

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