The Thrill of Meeting God

        WorshipGodBack in 1990 Paul Newman came to Kansas City to film the movie Mr. and Mrs. Bridge.  His presence caused quite a stir in the area where he was staying.  It was reported middle-aged women were up walking their dogs at 7 a.m. because it was reported Newman walked his dog in the park early in the morning.

        One day a woman entered a Haagen-Dazs store in the Kansas City Plaza for an ice cream cone.  After making her selection, she turned and found herself face to face with Paul Newman.  He smiled and said “hello.” Newman’s blue eyes caused her knees to shake.  Somehow she managed to pay for the cone, then left the shop with her heart pounding.

When she gained her composure, she realized that she didn’t have the cone.  As she started back into the store she met Newman at the door.  “Are you looking for your ice cream?” She nodded, unable to speak.  “Well, you put in your purse with your change!”

I feel certain the above story is an “urban legend.”  However, it makes a valid point as we think about going to worship today.

Does coming into the presence of God excite us as much as meeting a celebrity?  Is our pulse quickened by worship?  Are we moved by coming to the foot of the cross as we eat the supper?  Do our eyes widen with excitement as we hear Him speak to us through His Holy Word?  Does the singing inspire us and cause our heart to beat with joy?

Today, when we go to worship, we will come into the presence of Almighty God. The Creator.  Our Heavenly Father.  Let us feel the thrill, experience the wonder and stand in awe of how great He is!

–Ken Weliever, The Preacherman


Filed under Sunday, Worship

10 responses to “The Thrill of Meeting God

  1. Ken, I’m visiting from the UBC. Love your post! Sometimes, my experience of the Presence is so intense I have to hold onto a wall or a nearby pew. When we live in our relationship with God, the rest is detail.


  2. Great post. For me, communicating with Him is best done in solitude and silence through meditation or listening to devotional music. And when I feel his presence, it gives me great joy. – heart as wide as the world. It is the most beautiful feeling ever. Visiting from UBC.


  3. Ken, this would be such an awesome feeling to have, and one I rarely encounter. Today I was singing a song in church and cried at the humanity of Christ, but emotions like that for me are few and far between. I think it’s often easier when someone is “in the flesh” but I do agree that having that excitement should really grasp us more than it does. In my relationship with God I think awareness, openness and growth will get me there. Thanks for the reflection.


  4. Faloria Jones

    Thank you Ken, that is something to think about.


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