Weekly Recap: June 10-14

Greetings from Beverly  Hills, FL

We’ve enjoyed a wonderful week in Temple Terrace attending the VBS at the TT Church.  We took all four of our grandchildren, Roy, Miles, Katherine, and Fern.  It was fun to witness their excitement as they thrilled at the narratives about Daniel and the 3 Hebrew captives–Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego.   The theme, Building Faith in Babylon, was a faith building experience not only for the kids, but for adults who attended the auditorium class.  We appreciate the hard work by the TT brethren in making this event possible.

Today’s post is recap of the past week’s posts,  two of which are based on thoughts from our time studying the book of Daniel.  If you missed a post, this is an easy way to catch up with its live links.  Also there’s a bonus post at the end.

Hope you all have have a great day and a wonderful weekend.

God Bless,



Repentance is Fundamental




How To Be Ten Times Better





Daniel 3–Unbending Commitment



Four Facts About Temptation




The Danger of Waiting Until Later




7 Years ago today we were at the Southside Lectures in Pasadena, TX  This post, 5 Reasons to Rejoice in Jesus, is based on a lecture given by Tim Jennings.  Probably the majority of readers have never seen this post.  And even if you read it 7 years ago, read it again!  It will bless you.  I promise.





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