Weekly Recap: June 3-7


Greetings from Beverly Hills, FL

We welcome our new readers to ThePreachersWord.  Thanks for following our little blog.  We trust you will be encouraged, edified, and maybe even inspired by our daily posts.

We also appreciate very much those who  have been with us on this journey for a long time who comment and offer kind words of encouragement, as well as those who click “like” on social media.  You all add fuel to our tank that provides the energy to keep writing and posting.

Today’s post (as we do each Saturday) is a recap of the past week’s posts in case you’ve missed one.  With its live links, it’s an easy way to catch up.  Plus it’s a good way to share ThePreachersWord with others either by email or on social media.  Also there is a bonus post at the end from 7 years ago you will enjoy.

Have a great day.  And a wonderful weekend.

God Bless,



The Cross is Fundamental




Do You Want To Be A Better Christian?




Romans 12:17-21



7 Things Jesus Didn’t Say




Counting the Cost




Faith:  What is It?  was posted and published 7 years ago today.  Many of you have not read this post.  I promise you that your faith will be strengthened by reading and reflecting on this post. Also my preaching colleagues will find a sermon outline that will put you on second base!



1 Comment

Filed under Weekly Recap

One response to “Weekly Recap: June 3-7

  1. Walker Rich

    Bro Ken, I appreciate so much reading your blog posts. So may great thoughts. This week, your post on the Cross is fundamental was spot on … so true and so much needed. Mandatory reading assignment … have a bless day.


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