Daily Archives: June 1, 2024

Weekly Recap: May 27-31

Greeting from Beverly Hills, FL

Six years ago this month Norma Jean and I turned an important page in our lives and ministry as we ventured into new and unchartered territory.  Stepping away from full time local church work after spending 48 years in that endeavor which included 9 congregations in 6 states, we began traveling full time, combining our travel with ministry opportunities.

Over the next 33 months we traveled to 36 states, 10 countries and visited 48 congregations.  It was an exciting and rewarding adventure.  Hopefully it was also edifying for the churches where we preached.  In come cases, it was a single Sunday sermon.  Or a weekend or week long Gospel Meeting,  In other places, we stayed from 1-3 months where we preached and taught classes. We made new friends, Embraced new opportunities. And were encouraged by brethren from churches both large and small. Continue reading

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